

The Application of HACCP System for Organic Pork Production and the Development of Organic Pork in Shaanxi Province

【作者】 韩笑

【导师】 丁武; 魏丽娟;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 食品工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 有机猪肉是指在猪的生长过程中不使用农药、化肥、激素、抗生素和化学添加剂等化学合成药物,不使用基因工程技术,符合有机食品生产标准和国家食品卫生标准的要求,并经国家有机认证机构认证的猪肉,其因安全、优质、营养的特性深受消费者青睐。随着我国人民生活水平的提高,有机猪肉产量也在逐年增加,2010年产量高达40万吨。但是,有机猪肉生产中各个环节的标准和要求都极其严格,需要建立一种高效、实用的质量控制体系。HACCP体系是以预防为主的食品安全生产和质量控制的管理体系,是用来保护食品在整个生产过程中免受可能发生的生物、化学、物理因素的危害。在有机猪肉生产中应用HACCP体系可以将猪肉生产中各个环节的危害降到最低,以保证其生产过程的可控性及产品的安全性和可靠性。本文以陕西略阳西广香猪有限公司的有机猪肉生产加工体系为基础,深入地分析了目前的生产现状和生产中的潜在危害,并建立了有机猪肉生产的HACCP体系。同时,调查研究了陕西城市消费者对有机猪肉的认知度和消费行为以及陕西有机猪肉的生产现状,分析目前存在的问题并提出陕西有机猪肉发展的策略。取得的主要结果如下:1、通过对略阳西广香猪公司生产加工体系现状的调查研究,系统地分析了从生猪饲养、屠宰到猪肉销售整个有机猪肉生产过程中的潜在危害,制定了危害分析工作表,并依据HACCP体系的基本原理,确定了猪场环境、饲料、药物使用、饮用水、屠宰、贮存运输和销售等7个关键控制点,并分别建立关键限值,制定监控措施、纠偏行动、验证和记录保持程序,进而建立了有机猪肉生产的HACCP管理体系。2、调查了陕西10个城市319名消费者对有机猪肉认知度和消费行为。结果显示,陕西居民对有机猪肉认知度普遍较低且购买力不强。并采用SPSS12.0软件对调查数据进行Logistic回归分析发现,年轻且文化程度高的消费者对有机猪肉认知度较强,文化程度和月收入较高的已婚消费者对有机猪肉的支付意愿较为强烈。然而目前有机猪肉市场占有率低,不能满足这一消费群体的需求,说明有机猪肉未来的发展潜力巨大,需要规范生产,加强宣传。3、针对目前陕西省有机猪肉生产和消费的现状和存在问题,提出了陕西省有机猪肉产业的发展策略,强调在有机猪肉生产中应用HACCP体系以减少其生产过程中的危害,提高猪肉有机认证的通过率,确保有机猪肉生产更加规范、高效,从而推动陕西有机猪肉产业的发展。

【Abstract】 Organic pork is derived from organic pigs, the breeding environment of which requires unpolluted air, soil, water, etc, the feed is organic and natural that does not add pesticide, fertilizer and chemical additive, the growth processes never use hormones, antibiotics and other synthetic drugs, and authenticated by the organic certification bodies. Meanwhile, organic pork with the notion of safety, quality, health, nutrition has captured consumers’good glances day by day. At present, the production of organic pork is increasing year by year, the output of which reached 40 million tons in 2010. However, standards and requirements for production of organic pork are very strict, which also needs to establish an efficient and practical quality control system. HACCP is a prevention-oriented assurance system for the security and quality control of food production; of which aims are to prevent the food from potential biological, chemical and physical hazards during the entire process of production. The applications of HACCP system for the organic pork can aid to minimize the hazards in the process of pork production, to ensure the production controllability and the security and reliability of final products.This paper applied the HACCP system to the production of organic pork, which was based on the organic pork’s production and processing system of Shaanxi Lueyang West Canton pigs Ltd. The awareness and consumption behavior of organic pork for urban consumers and the status of organic pork production in Shaanxi were studied. Then we analyzed the current problems and proposed strategies for the development of organic pork in Shaanxi. All the results are showed below:1. According to the organic pork production and processing system for Shaanxi Lueyang West Canton pigs Ltd, the potential hazards in all aspects and the processing of organic pork production were analyzed systematically, from pig raising, slaughtering to sales, and seven critical control points were determined, including environment of piggery, fodder, pharmaceutical application, drinking water, slaughtering process, storing and transport, storing and selling. This paper determined the pertaining critical threshold values, established HACCP schedule and provided monitoring, corrective measures, verification and record-keeping procedures of HACCP .Then a complete and effective HACCP management system was formed to regulate the production of organic pork.2. A survey about people’s awareness of organic pork as well as willingness to pay for that was conducted to 319 consumers from 10 cities in Shaanxi. The results showed that residents in Shaanxi have low awareness of organic pork and low purchasing power. SPSS11.5 software had also been applied to make logistic regression model, which indicated that the young consumers with higher education level show higher awareness of organic pork. In addition, married consumers with higher education and monthly income show the strongest willingness to pay for organic pork. However, the market nowadays still cannot meet the needs of these consumer groups. Organic meat may have a great market potential in the future, which calls for regulating the production and strengthening the dissemination.3. The strategies for development of organic pork industry in Shaanxi province were proposed according to the current production, consumption status and the problems existed. Moreover, this paper also emphasized that the application of HACCP system can increase the adoption rate of certified organic pork. So it will ensure a more standardized and efficient organic pork production and promote the development of organic pork industry.
