

Control Technology of Alicyclobacillus in the Processing of Apple Juice Concentrate Production

【作者】 王军堂

【导师】 岳田利;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业推广, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国作为世界上苹果和浓缩苹果汁生产及出口大国,近年来,浓缩苹果汁的产量和出口量均居于世界首位。我国苹果及苹果汁产业的发展,吸纳了大量的社会剩余劳动力,提高了产品的附加值,并出口创汇带动了国内经济的发展,为我国的经济发展做出了一定的贡献。同时,随着食品安全事故的频发和人民生活水平的提高,各国政府和人民对食品的质量和安全要求更加严格,对出口贸易产品的标准日益提高。近年来,我国苹果汁在出口贸易过程中,由于重金属、展青霉素、农药残留、嗜酸耐热菌等微生物超标引起的国际贸易争端和退货、索赔现象屡见不鲜,严重影响了我国苹果汁行业的快速健康发展。因此,寻求一种简单、快速、低成本的苹果汁中有毒有害物质的预防与控制方法是目前产业急需。本文以嗜酸耐热菌为目标物,采取源头控制、各个击破的方法,以浓缩苹果汁生产的工业化流程作为切入点,并进行重点监控,以期从根本上减少甚至杜绝嗜酸耐热菌对浓缩苹果汁的污染。主要取得以下结果:(1)全面阐述了浓缩苹果汁工业化生产的加工工艺,并阐述了工业化生产中通过水的检测和控制、管路的清洗、工艺参数的调整等措施在防止嗜酸耐热菌污染方面的操作要点、技术规范及评价指标,为嗜酸耐热菌的预防和控制奠定了基础。(2)在对嗜酸耐热菌进行工业化生产的预防基础上,以HACCP体系为切入点,确定了浓缩苹果汁加工过程中嗜酸耐热菌可能存在的四个关键点,并针对四大关键限值进行了实时监控,以便在加工中采取纠偏措施保证产品质量。(3)在确定了关键限值控制和纠偏措施的基础上,提出了采用无机膜过滤和高温瞬时灭菌控制嗜酸耐热菌污染的方法,为切实保证浓缩苹果汁产品合格提供了强有力的保障。

【Abstract】 China, as one of the biggest apple production country in the world, the yield and export volume of apple juice concentration production of which is the largest in the world in recent years. The development of apple juice industry absorbing a large number of social surplus labor force, improves the added value of products. Meanwhile, it also earns foreign exchange through export driving the domestic economic development, which makes a contribution to the economic development of our country. At the same time, along with the high number of food safety incident and the development of living standard, governments and people of all countries have stricter requirement for the food safety and quality and the standard of export products. In recent years, international trade disputes, returns and claim caused by the out of limits of heavy metal, patulin, pesticide residues and Alicyclobacillus are common occurrences, which affect the development of apple juice industry in a serious way. Therefore, to seek a simple, quick, and low cost method to prevent and control the poisonous and harmful substances in the apple juice is badly needed.This article is targeted Alicyclobacillus as checking object, basing on the industrialization process of apple juice concentration production, takes the method of source control and intensive monitoring Critical Control Point to reduce even completely eradicate the contaminate caused by Alicyclobacillus at bottom. The main obtain results shows that:(1)This paper explains the industrialization processes of apple juice concentration production, and expounds the operation, technical regulation and evaluation index of the measures to prevent contaminate caused by Alicyclobacillus. The measures contain detection and control of water used for production, washing of pipeline and adjusting of technological parameter. This forms the foundation for preventing and control of Alicyclobacillus.(2)Based on the prevent of Alicyclobacillus, HACCP system is applied to ensure product quality. We confirm the four key points which may exist Alicyclobacillus in the process of apple juice production, and real-time monitor the four critical limits.(3)This paper proposes that using inorganic membrane filtration and ultra-high temperature sterilization method to control Alicyclobacillus basing confirming of critical limits and corrective actions, which provides powerful guarantee for qualified apple juice concentration products

【关键词】 浓缩苹果汁嗜酸耐热菌检测控制
【Key words】 apple juice concentrateAlicyclobacillusDetectioncontrol