

【作者】 林源西

【导师】 慈鸿飞;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 专门史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以大量的族谱、土改档案、地方志以及调查资料,详细论述近代两湖族田的来源、分布特点以及发展态势,并结合两湖地区近代的历史特点,分析农民运动对族田发展的影响,进而探讨在近代社会大变革下,族田对两湖乡村社会近代化的作用。在历史的长期发展中,两湖族田形成了以购买和捐助为主,辅以其他诸如祖遗、圈地、罚款等方式的多元化来源渠道,使近代两湖地区族田普遍存在,但是湘鄂两省不同的自然条件和文化环境,形成了两地族田分布的不同特点,湖南族田的分布总体上呈由东向西递减,而湖北族田缺乏规律性,分布不规则;近代是两湖族田发展的活跃期,至少在国民革命时期两湖农民运动之前,族田还一直处于增长状态;声势浩大的两湖农民运动可能是两湖地区族田发展的转折点,二十世纪三十年代以后,两湖族田呈衰落状态;农民运动对两湖族田发展具有非常大的影响,但是太平天国和国民革命两次重大农民运动后两湖族田发展的轨迹并不相同,其中的原因在于两者对宗族打击的方式不同,后者通过破除宗法思想和没收族田两种方式,而前者的方式单一,无法从根本上动摇;在近代社会变革的背景下,族田也出现了一些近代因素,积极影响着两湖乡村社会的近代化进程,但是,从根本来说,族田仍然是维持传统宗法社会的经济基础,阻碍着两湖乡村社会的近代化。

【Abstract】 This article discusses the origin, distribution and development of clan field of modern Hunan and Hubei region base on a large number of genealogy, archives of agrarian reform, local chorography and the investigation data, and combining the historical characteristics of modern Hunan and Hubei region,analyses the effect of the peasant movement to development of clan field, and then discusses the role of clan field to countryside society modernization of Hunan and Hubei region in the great changes of modern China.In the history of long time development, the clan field of Hunan and Hubei region has formed the main sources by purchase and donations, and complementary with other such as heritage, enclosure and fine and so on. Such diversified sources caused the general existence of clan field in modern Hunan and Hubei region. But there were different characteristic of clan field distribution because of the different natural conditions and cultural environment between Hunan and Hubei provinces, the distribution of Hunan clan field in general was descending from the east to west, and the distribution of Hubei was disproportion and lack of regularity. It was an active period for development of clan field in modern Hunan and Hubei region, the peasant movement in the 1920s may be the turning point for clan field, it declined after 1930s.The peasant movement impacted seriously the development of clan field, but there was different development track after peasant movement of Taiping heavenly kingdom and national revolution period, the reason for that was different way to strike clan, the latter striked the clan by breaking patriarchal thoughts and confiscate the clan field, and the former cannot undermine the clan by single pattern. Under the background of modern social change, the clan field appeared some modern factors, and influence positive the modernization process of rural society of Hunan and Hubei region, but the clan field was the economic foundation to maintain their traditional patriarchal society, it hindered the modernization of rural society.

【关键词】 近代两湖地区族田
【Key words】 clan fieldmodernHunan and Hubei region
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】112