

【作者】 虞莉

【导师】 张向阳;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 词汇学习在语言学习中的地位是显而易见的。我们发现教师非常重视词汇教学,学生也投入大量的时间与精力去记忆背诵词汇,但是语言运用的结果却差强人意。如何在教学中有效地帮助学生提高语言运用的能力,这已成为摆在英语教师面前的一项紧迫任务。词块教学法为解决这一问题提供了一个好的思路。本研究以词块教学法为依据,探讨了如何将词块教学法应用到高中英语教学实践中,提高学生的语言运用能力。为了证实或证伪词块教学法在高中英语教学中的作用,笔者首先验证了词块能力与句子表达能力的相关性。接着,又进行了第二个实验。教学实验在两个平行班之间进行,一个班运用常规教学,另一个班用词块教学法指导教学,一个学期的实验证明了词块教学法的有效性。通过实验结果的讨论,总结了实验对于高中英语教学的启示:一、采用词块教学法进行英语教学是行之有效的;二、词块教学法可以采用丰富多彩的教学策略,实现词块教学的目标;三、词块教学法有利于言语产出的流利度和选词的地道性,有助于学习者成绩的提高。文章最后指出词汇组块教学不仅对教师的教具有指导意义,更重要的是它能有效提高学生的学习能力,为学生的英语学习提供了较大的发展空间。当然,由于理论水平和教学实际操作水平的有限和不足,本研究还有待于进一步完善和发展。

【Abstract】 Obviously, vocabulary learning plays an essential role in language learning. It is also found that teachers in senior high schools attach great importance to this aspect and learners also spend large quantities of time and energy on it. To our great surprise, however, problems still arise when students output the language, which has drawn a good many teachers’ attention.The Lexical Chunk Teaching Approach offers a new way to solve these difficult problems, leading learners to use lexical chunks efficiently in order to learn how to better produce the new language.To test the feasibility of the Lexical Chunk Teaching in senior high school English teaching, two classes are chosen as subjects. The first experiment is to certify the relationship between lexical chunk ability and pragmatic competence. Then, the lexical approach is applied to experiment class for one semester to test the efficiency of the lexical approach. As a result, the subject has an obvious advantage. The author concludes that the lexical chunk teaching is valid in English teaching and learning for the students.According to the experiment, some implications can be inferred:firstly, teaching and learning English through Lexical Chunks helps enhance teaching and learning effect; secondly, a variety of teaching techniques even typical of other approaches could be adopted for serving the Lexical Chunk teaching; thirdly, the Lexical Chunk teaching enables learners to increase the possibility of the fluency and accuracy when producing language, thus improving students’scores.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】638