

Studies of Wind Load Characteristics for Hakka Earth Building of Wind Tunnel

【作者】 高志飞

【导师】 彭兴黔;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 客家土楼地处东南沿海省份,分布数量繁多,近年来随着生产与建设的发展,全球气候的变化,屡次遭受台风破坏,且大多源于屋盖结构的破坏,其主要原因是屋檐悬挑过大,极易导致屋盖上下表面形成“上吸下顶”的叠加效应;但目前为止对风作用下屋檐的风荷载特性影响研究为数不多,加之其独特的体型结构,很难用现有规范给出的单体建筑体型系数去近似,且我国《建筑结构荷载规范》没有对结构上、下表面体型系数做相应的规定,同时现代的计算机风场模拟技术也很难完全准确的模拟土楼建筑这种低矮异型结构的风场,因此风洞实验显得势在必行。本文首先确定研究对象,进行实地调研,了解客家土楼的结构特点和地理环境情况,确定原型并对原型尺寸稍加修改使之更具有普遍性和代表性以建立单体模型,完成风洞实验,得到其风荷载特性。同时完成相应的数值模拟,通过数值模拟与风洞实验结果对比,分析表明数值模拟结果可信,将CFD数值模拟技术用在研究客家土楼屋盖风荷载特性上可行。收集近年来国内外在低矮建筑风荷载特性方面的研究资料,分析低矮建筑屋面的风荷载特性及风致破坏机理,并对影响低矮建筑风压分布特性的诸多因素进行了较全面的归纳和分析以确定土楼模型的相关变化参数,完成相应的数值模拟计算,以对风洞实验结果形成有力补充。通过对风洞实验和数值模拟结果对比分析,得到单体圆楼(方楼)屋面风荷载随屋面坡度与高径比(高宽比)的变化的变化规律,并总结出相应屋面分区的体型系数以供设计参考。

【Abstract】 Hakka Earth Buildings lie in the southeast of Fujian province and have wide distribution. In recent years, with the development of production and construction and the change of global climate, the Earth Buildings often suffered from typhoons because of the long pick eave which can induce the synergistic effect of wind on the roof. So far there are not enough researches about wind load characteristics on the eaves yet. For the unique shape, it is difficult to get the shape coefficients of upper and lower surfaces using the existing standard, so the wind tunnel experiments appear imperative.Firstly,this paper did some practical research to access the feature of structure and geographical environment of the Hakka Earth Building. Do a little revision to make the prototype has more universal and representative , then adopts the method of wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulation to get the wind load characteristics of that prototype. Through comparing the numerical simulation and experimental results, we can find that numerical simulation is credible. Therefore numerical simulation result is credible, and it is feasible to take CFD simulation technology used in the study of Hakka Earth Building wind load characteristics. This paper collect wind load characteristics research materials of low buildings at home and abroad in recent years, analysis wind load characteristics and wind-induced failure mechanism of low building’s roof, do a comprehensive summary and analysis to the many factors affect low air pressure distribution characteristics, complete the corresponding numerical simulation, and forms strong added to the results of wind tunnel experiments.This paper got the roofing wind load of monomer round Earth Building (square Earth Building) changes with the roof pitch and ratio of height to diameter (height-width ratio), and summarize the shape coefficient of corresponding roofing zone for reference in design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU312.1
  • 【下载频次】76