

Restricting Competition of Franchice and Its Legal Rules and Regulations

【作者】 于祥

【导师】 张德瑞;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 经济法, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 特许经营作为一种现代市场经济规模发展的商业经营模式和管理模式,它全面整合了现代市场经济所涉及的商业知识领域,成为知识经济时代商业发展最重要的模式,吸引了众多加盟商加盟,呈现出强大的生命力。我国特许经营起步时间不长,在其发展过程中引发了一系列相关法律问题。在特许经营中,一方面应保护特许人因特许权所享有的合法垄断权;另一方面,也应对特许人滥用特许权作出的限制竞争行为进行法律规制,这是特许经营中最复杂的法律问题。本文通过分析特许经营中的各种限制竞争行为,比较研究美国、欧盟法律对这些行为规制的模式,提出对我国特许经营中限制竞争行为进行法律规制的构想。全文共分四章,第一章法律视野下的特许经营及限制竞争问题,主要介绍和分析了特许经营的概念、起源、特征、价值,并引申出特许经营中的限制竞争问题。在分析特许经营限制竞争行为产生原因的基础上,论述了对特许经营限制竞争行为进行法律规制的必要性。第二章是对特许经营中的五种限制限制竞争行为进行法律分析,包括限制转售价格、搭售、地区限制、回授条款和竞业禁止。第三章在比较美国、欧盟相关规定的基础上得出其对我国的启示。第四章是分析我国对特许经营限制竞争行为法律规制的立法现状及完善建议。我国特许经营的立法远远滞后于特许经营的发展现状,建议制定专门的特许经营法来进行规制。对特许经营法的制定,着重从立法原则、立法模式及主要内容方面提出自己的建议。

【Abstract】 As one kind of the commercial management pattern and the management pattern with properties of extensive development on market economy, the franchise business makes comprehensive conformity in modern market economy which has involved the commercial area of knowledge, and becomes the trade in the era of knowledge economy to develop the most important pattern. It has attracted the numerous franchisees to alliance and showing a strong vitality. In China franchising comes not long ago, and it initiates lots of legal issues. Though a franchisor’s right of legal monopoly should be protected, legislations and regulations relevant to franchisor’s behaviors of restricting competition by means of abusing his right should be made in competition law. This is the most complicated issue in franchising.Through the analysis of behaviors of restricting competition that may occur in franchising, and making a comparative study of regulations in west countries such as US,EC and putting forward the author’s ideas in order to contribute to legislations and regulations in Chinese competition law in franchising. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is from the Perspective of franchising questions and restrict competition, mainly the introduction and analysis of the origin of franchising, the concept, the characteristics, the value, and come out of the franchise in question restrict competition. This part also analyzes behaviors of restricting competition that may occur in franchising, and analyzes our country on the need to improve relevant legislation. The second chapter introduces and analysis of a number of restrictions on competitive behavior, including the restrict the resale price, tying acts, the regional restrictions, grant-back provisions and non-compete. The third chapter makes a comparative study of regulations in US and EC, and takes a cue. The last chapter of my country franchising act restricting competition law system situation and improve the proposed legislation. In my country, the legislation of franchising falls behind the development of franchising, recommended the development of specialized franchising law for regulation of franchising Law, focusing on legislative principles, the main contents of the legislative model and put forward proposals of their own.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】86