

Hunan to Undertake the Pearl River Delta Industrial Transfer Restraints and Policy Recommendations

【作者】 夏艳华

【导师】 吴鸣;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着区域经济发展的不断深入,区域内部以及区域之间,持续协调发展的问题日益突出,东中西部之间的发展存在较大差异。我国东南沿海开放地区改革开放以来实行对外开放政策,引进外资,经济高速增长持续了近三十年。特别是近年东南部许多经济发达省份明确提出“腾笼换鸟”策略,将逐渐丧失比较优势的劳动密集型产业及相关产业转移到中西部,这就为中西部承接产业转移创造了诸多机遇,提供了产业转移的来源。推动经济发达地区产业向经济欠发达地区转移,对促进发达地区产业升级和促进欠发达地区经济发展意义重大,承接产业转移成为欠发达地区实现跨越式发展的重大举措。产业转移逐渐成为长三角和珠三角及国外开放地区的大势所趋,经济欠发达省区都在抓紧承接发达地区的产业转移。当前,湖南经济社会发展正备受世人的瞩目,湖南承接产业转移呈现出全方位拓展的态势,具有承接产业的行业结构和空间布局逐渐优化;承接产业的来源地结构有所优化、发达国家和地区所占份额逐渐加大;承接产业的质量不断提升,以高新技术产业为重点,以开发区为载体,已初步形成承接转移与产业集聚的良性互动。特别是承接珠三角地区产业转移取得了显著成绩。但也应看到,湖南省承接产业的能力和实际成效还存在一些突出问题和制约因素,主要有:现行体制与政策因素的制约;部门职能与决策水平的制约;招商引资的平台不够健全,缺乏必要的区域协调机制;投资环境有待改善,承接产业转移的基础需要夯实;省内经济社会发展差异大,导致承接产业转移的能力差距悬殊等。该怎样承接产业转移,实现区域又快又好的发展,它的发展将何去何从?本文试图从湖南省承接珠三角产业转移的现状和政策出发,运用经济学理论和实证分析的方法,分析湖南省承接珠三角产业转移面临的突出问题和制约因素,并通过借鉴部分国家和省市承接经济发达地区产业转移的经验,在提出和分析承接产业时存在问题的基础上,进一步分析湖南承接产业转移的思路,从目标体系、行业选择、产业模式、空间布局等方面提出思路和政策建议。这对促进更加主动承接新一轮产业转移、加速推进湖南产业升级和新型工业化,实现富民强省新跨越具有重大的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of the regional economic,regional internal and deeply between area, sustained and balanced development of growing problem between the development of the Midwest, there is a big difference. China southeast coastal region since reform and opening to the opening-up policy, the introduction of foreign capital, rapid economic growth continued for nearly three years. Especially in recent years, the eastern many economic developed provinces explicitly proposed "vacate basket change a bird" strategy, and will gradually lost comparative advantage of labor-intensive industries and industries related to transfer to the Midwest, this is the Midwest undertake industrial transfer creates many opportunities, provides industry shift source.Promote economic developed area in the industry to undeveloped areas to promote transfer, developed area industrial upgrading and promote underdeveloped region economic development is of great significance, undertake industrial transfer become underdeveloped regions to realize great-leap-forward development of major step. Industrial transfer gradually become long triangle and the pearl river delta and the trend of foreign open area less-developed provinces, are stepping up the industrial transfer undertake developed regions.Currently, hunan economic and social development are the most positive, hunan undertake industrial transfer presents comprehensive development trend, have to undertake industry industry structure and spatial layout gradually optimized ; Undertake industry source structure optimization and somewhat developed countries and regions gradually increase the share; Undertake industry improve quality, with hi-tech industries as the key to development zone as the carrier, has initially formed to undertake transfer and industrial agglomeration benign interaction. Especially to undertake the pearl river delta region industrial transfer have achieved remarkable results. But should also see the ability, hunan undertake industry and actual effect still has some prominent problems and restriction factor, mainly has: the existing system and policy factor; Department functions and decision-making level of restriction; Investment promotion platform is insufficient, lack of necessary regional coordination mechanism; The investment environment, we should improve the industrial transfer based need ramming; The province of big differences of economic and social development, leading to undertake industrial transfer ability gap, etc. How to undertake industrial transfer and realize the regional fast and good development, its development to be?This paper tries to undertake the pearl river delta industrial transfer from hunan province, based on the present situation and policy by economics theory and empirical analysis method of hunan province, analysis of the pearl river delta industrial transfer undertake facing prominent question and constraints, and some countries and provinces by reference to undertake economic developed area industrial transfer in the experience, put forward and analysis to undertake industry based on the problem of hunan province, further analysis undertake thought of undertake transfer from target system, industry selection, industry pattern mode, spatial layout put forward ideas and policy Suggestions. This initiative to promote more new industrial transfer, undertake accelerating the hunan industrial upgrading and new industrialization, and realize the leaping enriching strong province is of great theoretical and practical significance.
