

【作者】 何小明

【导师】 陈小芒;

【作者基本信息】 赣南师范学院 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黄庭坚是北宋著名的诗人和书法家,作诗讲求独辟门户、自成一家,在当时就与苏轼齐名,并称“苏黄”,是最能体现宋代诗歌特点的代表作家,被推为“江西诗派”宗主。本文以黄庭坚的纪行诗作为研究对象。其纪行诗,是诗人记述行程际遇、途中山水及情感心境的诗歌作品,是诗人在行役之地留下的足迹、思想及情感,它将行旅地的自然景观、风俗人情同诗人内心深处的人生创伤及审美想象联系起来,反映出诗人情随景生的复杂心态,或是乡关之念、或是贬谪悲怆、或是厌恶官场归隐山林之情等。由此可知,黄庭坚的纪行诗和诗人的人生历程,尤其是仕途变动息息相关。黄庭坚从英宗治平四年(1067)进士及第后任河南叶县尉,后担任北京国子监教授、知吉州太和县、监德州德平镇,后入京都做实录修撰官。绍圣元年(1094)后屡遭贬谪,迁黔州、戎州、宜州。纵观黄庭坚的一生,都在仕途中奔波,其诗歌创作与他的仕途生涯密不可分。基于此,本文以仕途分期对黄庭坚的行踪及其纪行诗作进行概括分析,并结合黄庭坚所处的历史文化背景,通过对黄庭坚不同时期纪行诗思想内容和艺术特点的梳理,以期客观、真实地还原黄庭坚纪行诗的本来面貌。全文包括以下几个部分:绪论部分简述了学界对黄庭坚及其纪行诗的研究成果,从而发掘黄庭坚纪行诗还需深入挖掘的部分,并探讨了黄庭坚纪行诗的研究意义和方法,以及纪行诗的界定与演进。第一章按仕途分期,对黄庭坚的行踪及其纪行诗作概要叙述。第二章重点分析黄庭坚纪行诗的思想内容,从“山水风情的描摹”、“人伦亲情的牵挂”、“现实民生的关注”三个方面加以分析。第三章将黄庭坚纪行诗的艺术特点作为研究重心,挖掘其鲜明的艺术特点:草蛇灰线的章法结构、拗峭平和的句法字法、寓意深刻的典故运用、新奇生动的意象组合。结语部分概述了黄庭坚纪行诗的地位和影响。

【Abstract】 Huang Tingjian is a famous poet and calligrapher Song, poetry emphasizes the provision of independent portals, prof, at the time on par with Sushi and said "Su Huang," Song Poetry is the best embodies the characteristics of representative writers, pushed for the "Poetry in Jiangxi School "sovereign.Notes on this poem to Huang Tingjian study. The adventure in poetry, the poet describes the stroke of fortune, the way landscape and the emotional mood of the poems, the poet’s line, leaving the military service footprint, thought and emotion, it will Streams to the natural landscape, customs and habits with the poet inside trauma and aesthetic imagination in life linked to the poet reflects the complexity of the situation with the attitude Jingsheng, or village off the idea, or banished Pathetique, or the feeling of disgust and other official Hermitage Forest. It can be seen, Huang’s adventure in poetry and the poet’s life history, especially career changes are closely related.Four years from the Yingzong Zhiping Huang Tingjian (1067) and third successor of Henan Ye Xian Wei Chin and later served as professor at Imperial College in Beijing, known Jizhou Taihe County, Texas prison de Pingchen, into Kyoto to do after the Record Xiuzhuan officer. Shaosheng first year (1094) after repeated relegated, moved to Guizhou state, Rong Zhou, Yizhou. Throughout the Huang Ting’s life, both in the career of hard work, his poetry and his career writing career are inextricably linked. Based on this, the career stage on the whereabouts of their adventure in Huang Tingjian carried out general analysis of poems, combined with the historical and cultural background of Huang Ting, Travel Notes on poetry in different periods Tingjian ideological content and artistic characteristics of the comb to an objective, true Notes on Poetry restore the original appearance of Huang Ting. Full-text includes the following sections: Introduction Part briefly and notes from the academic poetry of Huang Tingjian research to explore the need to dig Tingjian adventure in thepart of the poem and discusses the significance of Huang Ting Study Notes on Poetry and methods, and adventure in poetry Definition and evolution. The first chapter by career stage, the whereabouts of their adventure in poetry Huang Ting summary statement. The second chapter analyzes the ideological content of Huang Ting adventure in poetry, from the "landscape style portray," "human relations and family’s concerns," "real concern about people’s livelihood," the three aspects of analysis. Notes on Chapter III of the Huang Ting features the art of poetry as a research focus, and tap its distinctive artistic characteristics: Mournful tricks of the structure, syntax word peace steep bend method, the story of profound meaning the use of novel combination of vivid imagery. Conclusion section summarizes the status of Huang Tingjian adventure in poetry and influence.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
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