

An Experiment on the Employment of Prefabricated Chunks in English Writing Teaching in Senior High School

【作者】 周龙梅

【导师】 许金英;

【作者基本信息】 赣南师范学院 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着时代的发展,随着新课程标准对高中生英语写作水平要求的进一步提高,英语写作已越来越成为我国高中英语教学的重要内容。但实际上,受多方面因素的影响,写作却一直是高中英语教学中最难提高的一项内容。如何培养高中学生的英语写作能力,提高学生的写作水平已经成为热门话题。近年来国内外学者对预制语块理论的研究越来越深入,对中国英语教学方法的改进带来很大启示。有研究在对近二十年来大量的真实语料进行分析统计后提出,自然话语的80%都是由介于单词的句子间的,半固定的语块组成的(Altenberg,1998),研究表明预制语块在语言形成和使用过程中起着非常重要的作用。本论文将以二语习得及预制语块为理论指导,探索如何在高二英语教学中利用预制语块提高学生的英语写作水平,检验预制语块对高中学生的英语作文写作是否有积极作用。作者努力探讨以下问题:(l)高中生英语写作现状及对英语写作的态度是什么?(2)比起传统的教学方法,预制语块教学法是否能有效地促进学生写作成绩的提高。(3)运用预制语块教学法后,学生作文中词块的数量是否显著增加。(4)实验班学生对预制语块教学法的接受程度,以及对英语写作的态度是否有极积转变。为了解答以上问题,作者采取了定性和定量相结合的方法。研究以赣州市第三中学高二学生为实验对象。首先随机选择两个预制语块能力与英语水平大致相同的班级做试验,分别为高二(18)班和高二(19)班。高二(18)班为实验班,采用预制语块教学法;高二(19)班为控制班,采用传统教学法。实验时间为一个学期,在该学期初和学期末,两个组的学生都按要求进行英语写作测试,使用SPSS软件对两组学生在两次测试中的作文分数及他们在作文中所应用的预制语块的数量进行定量分析。分析结果显示采用预制语块教学法后,学生作文中预制语块的数量有了显著的增加,作文得分有显著提高,预制语块教学法能显著提高学生英语写作能力。除此之外,在教学实验前,对实验班的学生进行问卷调查,旨在发现学生在高中英语写作中的难点以及他们对待英语写作的态度。在教学实验后,再一次对实验组的学生发放问卷,调查结果显示,经过一个学期的教学实验,学生对待英语写作的态度有了极积的转变,增强了对英语写作的信心,大部分学生对这种教学方法比较满意。

【Abstract】 With the development of The Times, the new curriculum standard had made higher demand of English writing for high school students. English writing has become one of the most important aspects in China’s high school English teaching. But in fact, because of the influence of vocabulary restrictions, negative transfer of mother tongue and the limit of English writing skills, writing is always a weak links and the hardest improved skill in high school English teaching. How to develop students’ writing ability and improve the students’ writing level has become a hot topic.Second language acquisition research showed that prefabricated chunks play an important role in language generation and understanding. Prefabricated chunks strategy will help students maximally overcome negative transfer of mother tongue, conduce to the language fluency and vivid, to improve grammar ability and textual ability. Large-scale statistic analyses of real language materials in recent 20 years have shown that 80 percent of natural utterances are combined by the“prefabricated chunks”(Altenberg,1998).Taking the prefabricated chunks theory as the guide, This paper explores how to improve high school students’ English writing ability by using prefabricated language chunks in English writing teaching, and tests whether prefabricated chunks play a positive role in high school students’English essay writing. The author tried hard to discuss the following questions: (l)What was the English writing situation in high school and to what were the students’attitudes towards English writing? (2)Could prefabricated chunks teaching method effectively promote the student writing ability by comparing to the traditional teaching method? (3)Was the number of prefabricated chunks increased in students’composition after using prefabricated chunks teaching method? (4)Whether the students in experimental class accept the prefabricated chunks method and whether the students’attitudes towards English writing had positive change.To answer these questions, the author adopted a qualitative and quantitative research method. There were two classes of grade2 from Ganzhou No.3 High School participating in the one-term teaching experiment. Class18 was the experimental group while Class19 was the control group. The students in the two classes were similar in writing proficiency. The author applied the prefabricated chunks teaching method in the experimental group while adopted traditional teaching methods in the control group. At the beginning and the end of this semester, two groups of students were required to attend English writing tests. The results show that students’writing score in experimental group raised and the number of prefabricated language chunks in their composition have dramatically increased after using prefabricated chunks teaching method. Prefabricated chunks teaching method can significantly improve the students’ English writing ability.In addition, before the teaching experiment, the author did the questionnaire survey in experimental group to make it clear what difficulty and attitude the students had in English writing. After the teaching experiment, the author conducted the questionnaire survey again. The survey shows that the students’attitudes towards English writing had positive change in experimental group. The students in experimental group strengthened their confidence to English writing and most of them thought that the prefabricated chunks teaching method was fit for them.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】340