

The Theoretical Basis of China’s Personal Credit Information System and Legislative Strategy

【作者】 杨瑞娟

【导师】 王勇;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 法学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放至今,我国的社会结构、经济结构等已经发生了重大的变化,原有的信用规制方法,已经突显出落后和陈旧;同时,在转型期,社会的道德体系也在不断地经受着新的冲击与挑战。旧的已破,新的未立,失信问题成为我国目前经济乃至社会整体面临的最严峻的问题之一。为了建设信用社会,打击失信行为,建立个人征信制度体系就势在必行。尽管征信活动己经成为社会经济生活中的一个事实,它得到了经济学、管理学、社会学等学科理论的支持,但是,征信产业的发展并非一帆风顺,从其产生的那天起,征信就不断受到各种挑战和质疑。为了使我国的社会信用体系建设有准备地、顺利地走向未来,我们还必须作艰苦的调研、分析工作。本文主要分为四章。第一章为个人信用征信及其基本内容,主要就与个人信用征信有关的概念进行了阐释,介绍个人信用征信的基本内容以及建立个人征信体系的重要性。第二章从古代信用制度的萌牙出发,介绍了我国古代和现代个人征信制度的发展历史,并就目前个人征信制度存在的问题进行了阐述。第三章对个人征信制度进行了法律与社会科学层面的分析,主要从三个角度进行了分析,即法经济学分析视角、法社会学分析视角和宪法学分析视角,论证了建立个人征信制度的必要性。第四章通过提出四点意见,论述了建立和完善我国个人征信体系的对策建议。通过完善个人征信制度体系,以消除人们对于个人征信的疑虑,促进信息的自由流动和信息共享,实现政府对征信市场的有效监管,促使市场主体关注自身信用、避免失信行为。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening up,our country social structure,economic structure has an important change,the original credit regulation method,has highlighted backward and obsolete; meanwhile,in the period of the social morals system,and are constantly experiencing new impact and challenges. The old was broken and the new not stand,faithless problems become China’s current economic and social whole face one of the most serious problems. In order to build credit society,blow discreditable behavior,establishing personal credit system is imperative. Although credit reporting activities have already become the fact of the social economic life,it got support of economics,management,sociology,and other theoretical,however,the development of Credit industry is not smooth,from the date of its produce,credit has constantly faced various challenges and questioned. In order to make our social credit system construction preparedly and smoothly go into future,we must do tough investigation and analysis.This paper mainly divided into three chapters. The first chapter is about personal credit information and its basic contents,mainly expounding the concept of personal credit information,introduceing the basic content of personal credit information and the importance of establishing personal credit registry system. From ancient credit system on the sprouting tooth,the second chapter mainly introduces the development history of ancient and modern personal credit registry system,and expounds currently existing problems of personal credit system.The third chapter from legal and social sciences aspects,analyze the establishment of personal credit system of legal theory,mainly from three aspects,namely,the Legal Economics perspective,the Judicial Sociology perspective and the constitutional perspective, demonstrates the necessity of establishing personal credit registry system. Through proposing four-point guidelines,the fourth chapter discusses establishing and perfecting our country’s personal credit system of countermeasures. Perfecting personal credit system,in order to eliminate people′s doubts of personal credit registry,promote the free flow of information and information sharing,realize the effective supervision on credit market,prompting market subjects to focus on their own credit,avoid discreditable behavior.

  • 【分类号】D920.0
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】239