

A Study of the Strategies of E-C Translation of Subtitle from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

【作者】 张鼎清

【导师】 赵登明;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自从改革开放以来,中外文化交流也变得越来越频繁。作为文化交流必不可少的构成部分,影视也在现代社会中起着越来越重要的作用,成为了信息和娱乐的重要渠道。欣赏外国影视作品能促进不同文化间的了解和沟通,因而,影视作品翻译近年来逐渐兴起。然而,作为影视翻译的一种,我国的字幕翻译在翻译策略、翻译规范和质量控制等方面远远落后于西方国家。本文尝试使用德国功能主义的目的论对字幕翻译策略进行探究,以期对提高字幕翻译质量有所借鉴。根据德国功能主义代表人物弗米尔提出的“目的论”,字幕翻译是有目的的行为。字幕翻译的常规任务是在时空制约之下,最有效地提供给观众能传达导演意图的最关联的信息。而每部电影的具体目的依不同电影而定,又决定字幕翻译的策略。另外,功能主义代表人物诺德提出的“功能+忠诚”理论也对字幕翻译起了一定的指导作用,“功能”指的是使译文对异域文化接受者起作用的目的;而“忠诚”强调的是译者应当把翻译交际行为所有参与方的意图和期望都加以考虑。从另一方面来说,诺德提出的“功能+忠诚”理论是对弗米尔目的论的补充。本文作者根据字幕本身的特征及目的论原则,在前人对字幕翻译研究的基础上,从语言和文化两个维度出发,总结几种策略以规范和提高字幕翻译质量。全文共分五章,第一章是介绍。第二章是文献阐述。第三章是理论构架。第四章是论文设计,也是文章的核心,运用实例,来分析说明字幕翻译策略的可行性和有效性。第五章是结论部分。本文是在目的论的指导下对英文电影字幕汉译策略进行探究,翻译策略以及文化现象是本文所关注的焦点。希望本文电影字幕的试探性研究,对提高实际的电影字幕翻译水平有所帮助,同时在宏观上有利于我们深化对翻译理论的认识和理解。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up to the outside, cultural communication between China and other nations has increasing greatly. As an essential part of cultural communication, films and TV programs are playing a more and more important role in modern society. They are important channels for entertainment and information. Watching foreign audiovisual products also facilitate exchanges and communication among various cultures. As a result,recent years have witnessed a growing demand for audiovisual translation (AVT). However, as one kind of AVT, the translation of subtitle lags much behind in terms of translation strategy, translation norm and translation quality etc to some extent compared with Europe. This thesis is an attempt to apply the Scopos Theory to the strategy of the subtitle translation, with an aim to improve the quality of E-C the subtitle translation.According to the skopostheories proposed by Vermeer, one of the most important representatives of the German functionalism, subtitle translation is a purposeful activity. The conventional assignment is to provide, within the constraint of time and space, the relevant information conveying the director’s intention in the most effective way. However, the specific skopos are up to each film, which leads to the particular strategy. Besides, the representative of the German functionalism, Nord put forward Function plus Loyalty. Function refers to the factors that make a target text work in the intended way in the target situation. Loyalty refers to the interpersonal relationship between the translator, the source-text sender, the target-text addressees and the initiator in some sense, Nord’s function plus loyalty principle is a supplement to Vermeer’s three principles. On the basis of the study of the former scholars, the author of the thesis summarizes several strategies in terms of the characteristics of the subtitle and the principles of the skopostheory from the points of language and culture to improve and standardize the translation of subtitle.The thesis consists of five chapters: Chapter one is about introduction. Chapter two involves the literary review. Chapter three sets up the theoretical framework-Skopostheorie. Based on the Skopostheorie, chapter four is the research design, which belongs to the core of the thesis and discusses the feasibility and effectiveness of the strategies with some cases. Chapter five draws the conclusions.This thesis has a superficial study of the strategy of the E-C film subtitle translation under the guidance of the Skopostheorie, translation strategy and cultural phenomenon are the focuses of the thesis. This tentative study on E-C film subtitle translation is both theoretically and practically helpful. Meanwhile it deepens our understanding of the translation theory on the macro.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】486