

A Study of Mao Zedong’s Party Politics Ethics Thought and Its Modern Value

【作者】 张彦妮

【导师】 谢俊春;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 毛泽东的政党政治道德思想是中国化的马克思主义政党伦理学说,是马克思主义的世界观、人生观和价值观在政治伦理方面的重要体现。它是在继承发展马克思主义政治道德理论、扬弃中国传统政治伦理思想和西方近代伦理学说的基础上,在中国革命和建设的实践中形成了自己特色的突出理论。在这一完整的思想体系中,毛泽东围绕全心全意为人民服务的核心理念,以爱国主义、社会主义、集体主义和革命人道主义为原则,以实事求是、秉公无私、清正廉洁、顾全大局、谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗等精神为规范,引导党员向着社会主义事业的伟大目标而奋斗。它不但指导着党从弱小走向强大,从革命走向执政的历史进程,还为中国共产党的建设的“伟大的工程”增添了宝贵的精神财富。在新的历史条件下,坚持实践毛泽东的政党政治道德思想,提高党员思想政治素质,增强党员服务人民的本领,弘扬党员求真务实、真抓实干的工作作风,清正廉洁、大公无私的道德品质以及艰苦奋斗、戒骄戒躁的政治本色依然具有重要的现实意义。在中国共产党带领全国人民共创和谐社会的新阶段,我们应当充分发挥毛泽东政党政治道德思想的当代价值和现实功用,为共产党政治道德建设的研究提供参考,给新形势下党建的创新和发展补充政治营养,从而增强党的执政应变能力和驾驭整个社会政治架构的能力。本文主要从四个方面来论述:第一部分:介绍了政党政治道德的基本概念,从政治与道德的关系入手,界定政党政治道德的内涵与外延,揭示其本质和功能。第二部分:从中国传统政治道德、西方近代伦理学说和马克思主义政治道德观三个方面来分析毛泽东政党政治道德思想的理论渊源。第三部分:详细梳理了毛泽东政党政治道德的核心思想、基本原则、具体规范、重要范畴和实现途径,并阐明其政党政治道德思想的历史作用。第四部分:揭示了当前我国党政干部政治道德现状与危害并进行原因分析,进而阐释出毛泽东政党政治道德思想的现代价值。

【Abstract】 Mao Zedong’s party politics ethics thought is the Chinese Marxism politics party ethics theory and it greatly embodies Marxism world outlook, Marxism life outlook and Marxism values in terms of political moral principles. Based on inheriting the Marxism ethics theory, developing the good and discard the bad traditional Chinese politics ethics thought and the modern times Western ethics theory, this important characteristic theory was formed through the practice of Chinese revolution and construction. In this complete ideology, Mao Zedong guides the whole party members to work hard to realize the significant goal of socialism, based on the core idea of wholeheartedly serving the people, taking the patriotism, socialism, collectivism and revolutionary humanitarianism as the principle, taking seeking truth from facts, justice, integrity, taking the entire situation into account, modestly and hard-working as the standard. It not only guides effectively in the process of becoming strong from weak and becoming in the office from revolution of our party, but also adds precious spiritual wealth to the construction of“the great project”of Communist Party of China. Under the circumstance of new historic condition, it is still of great significance to stick to Mao Zedong’s party politics ethics thought, to improve the thought and politics level of the party members, to bring honor to the practical and realistic work style, to the morals of integrity, justice, as well as to the political morals of hard-working, modesty. At the new stage of building our harmonious society involved with the whole nation led by the Communist Party of China, we should make full use of the contemporary value and practical function of Mao Zedong’s party politics ethics thought to offer the study of Mao Zedong’s party politics ethics thought consult, to politically nurture the creation of party construction and development under the new situation, so that the party’s ability of flexible being in the office and managing the whole social political frame can be consolidated.This thesis mainly discussed from four aspects:The first part: This paper introduces the basic concept of party politics ethics , it start from the relationship of the politics and ethics, define the connotation and denotation of ethics and reveal its essence and function. In the second part: From the Chinese traditional politics ethics thought, the modern times Western ethics theory and Marxism ethics theory to analysis Mao Zedong’s party politics ethics thought origin in three aspects.In the third part: Detailed reviews Mao zedong’s party politics ethics core thought, basic principles, concrete standard, the important category and realizing ways, expounds its history role.In part four: Reveals the current politics ethics situation and risk in our party and government officials, analysis its causes, then elaborate the modern value of Mao Zedong’s party politics ethics thought.
