

The Part of Shanxi Province Higher Average College Sports Dance Teaching Status and Development Countermeasures Study

【作者】 刘少敏

【导师】 芦平生;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 体育舞蹈作为文化艺术与体育教育交融的新型课程,近几年在陕西省高校发展的比较迅速,大多数普通类高等学校纷纷开设了体育舞蹈课程。但是,正因为体育舞蹈是新型体育项目,其教学的内容的范围、深度、结构、进度都需要一定的专业性。因此,普通类高等学校显现出体育舞蹈教材的匮乏与滞后,体育舞蹈师资力量和水平的不足等等一系列的问题。因此,笔者利用西安高校体育舞蹈项目发展的这股劲头,以及陕西普通类高等学校比较多,体育舞蹈团队、个体专业水平很高的现实,深入研究陕西普通类高等学校体育舞蹈教学现状。通过对体育舞蹈教学现状的分析认识,确认在普通类高等学校体育舞蹈教材内容涉及的诸多方面,有目的的开设体育舞蹈教学课程,为普通类高等学校体育舞蹈教学课程提供理论方面的借鉴和参考,将教学提上一个新的高度与层次。本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对陕西省部分高等普通高校体育舞蹈教学的现状进行调查,在此基础上,分析影响陕西省部分高等普通高校体育舞蹈课程发展的主要因素,并针对存在的问题,提出相应的对策,主要结论如下:1、虽然普通类高等学校体育舞蹈发展的态势十分强劲,但是体育舞蹈是新型课程,目前普通类高等学校从事体育舞蹈教学的教师很年轻,教学经验不足,教学的过程处于探索期,而且教学方法组织形式相对单一。2、普通类高等学校体育舞蹈教材混乱,各高校使用教材不一致。也没有统一的教学大纲、课时计划,显现出体育舞蹈教学的匮乏与滞后,并且在体育舞蹈教学中,教师教学项目是单一的课程训练;3、普通类高等学校体育舞蹈师资力量、专业技能、专项内务能力水平不足。教师的职称、年龄结构、继续在教育培训也不合理等。4、普通类高等学校目前基本都在开设体育舞蹈课程,但是没有进一步学习的环境与机会,很多学校没有兴趣小组、社团、培训点组织加强学生学习深造、展示自我的平台与环境。5、普通类高等学校与陕西的体育舞蹈文艺团体、团队的专业水平差距很大,我们可以考虑形成多元化的体育舞蹈教学体系,利用它们专业水平高的现实情况。6、普通类高等学校各个体育类项目都有相关协会,但是惟独体育舞蹈是个空白,没有官方管理与组织。7、针对陕西省部分普通类高等学校体育舞蹈教学现状及影响因素与存在的问题提出对策性建议:高校由于是年轻人集中的群体,学校应该提倡学生组织创办一些体育舞蹈业余团队,为体育舞蹈进一步的发展搭建了高效的平台。体育舞蹈的特性决定了它的多功能特征,体育舞蹈教师的专业技能、专业业务能力和使用的教材必须考虑体育舞蹈的这多功能特征,改革教材、培训年轻教师是不能忽视的方面,它是普通类高等学校体育舞蹈项目的可持续发展的重要因素。发挥陕西地域优势,可利用陕西体育舞蹈团队与个体水平很高的现实,积极建立协作关系。西安各高校间课利用自身的教学资源互补;聘请东部地区专业人士来西安执教、授课,加强陕西地区、西安高校和与东部强省市的地域性协作,拉动体育舞蹈在西安高校的开展。普通类高等学校可以与省市教育局、体育局挂钩,有条件的高校可以设置体育舞蹈培训班。陕西省教育局和高校体协,组织建立陕西“高校体育舞蹈教学研究组”,积极组织专家教授编写较为统一的体育舞蹈教材,积极组织相关教师开展体育舞蹈教学方法的研讨,组织各校间体育舞蹈的学习交流与协作,开展陕西高校和校际间的体育舞蹈比赛,促进普通类高等学校体育舞蹈的发展。

【Abstract】 Sports dance as culture art and sports education blend of new curriculumin shan xi province, in recent years the development of higher education, the most common class compare quickly in higher school opened sports dance classes. But, because of sports dance is the new sports, its teaching content range, depth, structure, progress requires some professional. Therefore, ordinary higher school sports dance teaching material appeared with lag, the lack of sports dance teachers strength and level the inadequacy of a series of problems. Therefore, the author USES xi’an university sports dance projects, and the development of the architects of the general higher school in shan xi is more, sports dance team and individual professional level high, further study of the reality of higher school of shan xi normal current sports dance teaching. Based on the analysis of the current situation of sports dance teaching, confirmed on general understanding of higher school sports dance teaching material content involves many aspects of open, have a purpose for sports dance teaching course, general higher school sports dance teaching course provides theoretical aspects of reference and will to a new height up teaching with level.This paper used the literature material law, expert interview, questionnaire and mathematical statistics method to higher average college part of shan xi province the present situation of sports dance teaching to investigate, on this basis, the author analyzed higher PE part of shan xi province factors to the development of dance courses, and in the light of the existing problems, and proposes the corresponding countermeasure, the main conclusions are as follows:1, although ordinary higher school sports dance development trend is very strong, but sport dance is a new curriculum, at present general higher school teachers engaged in sports dance teaching is very young, inexperienced, teaching process, and teaching methods in explorative relatively single organization form.2, ordinary higher school sports dance teaching material chaos, use textbooks universities inconsistency. No unified teaching outline, lesson plans, show the lack of sports dance teaching, and with lag in sports dance teaching, the teacher teaching project is single course of training; 3, general higher school sports dance teachers strength, professional skills, special interior ability inadequate. Teachers’ professional title, age structure, continue in education training also not reasonable, etc.4, ordinary higher schools in the present basic offer PE dance classes, but no further learning environment and opportunity, many schools have no interest groups, clubs, PeiXunDian organization to strengthen students’ study, display of self-member platform and the environment.5, ordinary higher schools and shan xi sports dance literary group, team professional level difference, we can consider forming diversified sports dance teaching professional level system, using their high the reality of the situation.6, ordinary higher school every sport events have related associations, but only sports dance is a blank, no official management and organization.7, according to general part of shan xi province of higher school sports dance teaching status and influence factors and the existing problems of university, put forward countermeasures are young people focus groups because, schools should advocate student organization founded some sports dance amateur team, for the development of sports dance further build effective platform. The characteristics of sports dance determines its multifunctional features, sports dance teacher’s professional skill, professional business capability and use of materials must consider the multi-functional sports dance teaching material, characteristic, reform training young teachers can’t be ignored, it is general higher school sports dance projects an important factor of sustainable development. Play shan xi geographical advantages, shanxi sports dance team available with individual level high reality, actively establish cooperation relations. Xi ’an between universities using their own teaching resources class advantages; Hire the eastern region professional personage to coaching and teaching, strengthening xi’an university and shan xi regions, with strong regional cooperation in eastern provinces and cities, pull sports dance in xi’an university development. General higher school of education and sports bureau with provinces and cities can be linked, conditional college can set sports dance class. Shaanxi province TiXie in colleges and universities, education organizations establish college sports dance teaching in shan xi "team", actively organize expert professor write more unified sports dance teaching material, actively organize relevant teachers conduct sports dance teaching methods, the discussion between the schools sports dance organization, develop exchanges and cooperation study between universities and intercollegiate sports dance competition, promote the general higher school sports dance development.

  • 【分类号】G834
  • 【被引频次】5
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