

On the Ink Drawing Comics Factors Outside of the Inner Consciousness and Shape

【作者】 丁珠玭

【导师】 王宏恩;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 美术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国画是最具有民族特色和本土精神的绘画艺术,它在漫长的发展历程中形成不同的流派,风格各异、语言丰富,作为中国画的一种表现形式,水墨画的发展历程和表现形态更是多姿多彩。从汉代出土的帛画,再到晋时顾恺之的《洛神赋图》,直至南宋梁楷始创被后世称为“简笔画”的大写意水墨都对后世的水墨画产生深远影响。说到简笔画,使人不得不想起“漫画”的某些特征,既夸张、变形、讽刺等等。就水墨画自身发展来讲,特定历史时期艺术家的作品呈现一定漫画因素,比如夸张、变形、讽刺、幽默等。本文就试图对这一现象做一探索,对水墨绘画中漫画因素的内在意识与外化形态作一分析研究。分析研究水墨绘画中漫画因素这一被忽略的现象,首先要不可避免地对“漫画”作一次寻根问源,做出界定。所以本文第一部分对漫画词源做了一个界定,本文之后分析了古代水墨绘画及现当代水墨绘画中所体现出的漫画因素,比如明代的徐渭、陈老莲,清代的八大、罗聘等人,以及现当代的刘二刚、刘庆和等画家。本文重点分析了水墨绘画中漫画因素的内在意识,内在意识包括社会历史文化、时代背景以及潜在意识,比如情感、想象、梦境、童心和童年记忆等等,这些不确定或确定的因素都会对画家创造具有漫画因素的水墨画产生影响。在分析社会文化影响画家创造具有漫画因素的水墨画时所采用的研究方法是从一般到个别,由共性再到个性,既先从大的社会文化时代背景对艺术创作的影响,再具体到明清时代文化乃至政治对徐渭陈老莲等人艺术创作的影响。并运用个案分析法对画家笔下的外化形态——水墨作品做出分析研究。本文第四部分对内在意识中潜意识这部分进行了逐一研究,充分挖掘水墨绘画中漫画因素的潜在意识比如想象、童心、梦境、记忆、情感等对艺术家创作的影响。文章最后对水墨绘画漫画因素的内在意识和外化形态做了概括总结,并对水墨绘画漫画化发展可能趋势做出了一个展望,当代艺术家可以充分发挥水墨画中的漫画因素,从而使水墨漫画的发展成为一种可能。

【Abstract】 Ink painting is one of a form of Chinese painting which forms different genres with different styles in the course of development. Liang kai in Southern Song dynasty created big freehand painting knows as the "stick figure". Which influenced on later ink painting. When it comes to tick figure, people have to think of some characteristics of comic: exaggeration, distortion, satire etc. In terms of its own development of ink painting. Works in specific historical periods. should ceitain comic elements ,such as rxaggeration, distortion. This paper attempts to explore this phenomenon, analyzes the inner sense and externalization of comic element in ink painting.Analysis the phenomenon that the comic elements are ignored in ink painting, the paper first ask the source of roots of "comics" and make a definition.So this first part of this paper make a definition of deriyation of comic. Elements reflected in the ancient and contemporary ink painting, such as, Xu Wei, Chen Lao Lian in Ming Dynasty, Ba Da, Luo Pin in Qing Dynasty, Liu Ergang, Liu Qinghe in contemporary and other artist. This paper focuses on the inner sense of comic elements in ink painting. Inner sense included the effects of social and cultural background on artists, and the subiminal, such as emotion, imagination and dreams, have effect on ink painting with comic elements that antists created. The effects of social culture on comic elements of ink painting is form the general to the individual, starting with the effects social cultures aet ceration, then to theeffect of cultural background of Ming and Qing era on Xu Wei, Chen Lao Lian and others. Using case analysis to analyze the ink painting: The examination of artists. In the fourth part, the paper analyzes the subconscious in inner sense fully excavating, the inner sense of comic elements in ink painting, such as the imagination, innocence etc. Finally, the paperf summarizes the inner sense and externalization of comic element in ink painting, making a propect for the likely development tread of ink painting comic, Contemporary artists can give full play to comic elements in ink painting to make the development of ink comic painting become a possibility.

【关键词】 漫画因素水墨画心学内在意识潜意识漫画化
【Key words】 Comic elementInk paintingMindinner sensesubconscious
  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【下载频次】101