

Study on Ground Pressure of the Ultra Longwall Mining in the Shallow Coalseam of Shendong Mine Area

【作者】 周海丰

【导师】 黄庆享; 杨俊哲;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 矿业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着陕北浅埋煤层的开发,我国学者对宽度在300m以下的小采高(5m以下)浅埋煤层综采工作面进行了比较深入的研究。对大采高(大于5.0m)、加长综采工作面(300m以上)覆岩层破断规律研究较少。随着神东矿区工作面不断加长、采高逐渐增大,研究浅埋深加长工作面矿压显现规律和岩层控制具有非常重要的意义。本文以哈拉沟煤矿22209综采工作面(320m)为研究对象,对整个工作面的回采进行完整的矿压观测。对比22201综采工作面(240m)的矿压规律,揭示加长综采工作面老顶初次来压、周期来压、末采3m等压、大小周期来压的全程规律,分析了工作面长短、上覆基岩厚度对周期来压规律的影响。利用关键层理论和“台阶岩梁”理论,结合工作面工作阻力实测,揭示工作面来压机理,确定工作面支架合理的工作阻力,为支架的选型提供了科学依据。最后对工作面的合理长度的优化进行了探讨,为工作面的合理布置提供了参考依据。研究表明,哈拉沟煤矿2-2埋深煤层320m加长工作面初次来压步距为62~77m,周期来压步距平均为9.9~12.9m,加长综采工作面存在大小周期来压现象来压明显;工作面上、中、下部出现自三条明显的压力中心并向两侧递减的压力分布;支架合理的工作阻力范围应为9827~11752kN/架。合理的确定工作面长度需要从推进速度、经济效益、工作阻力、顶板管理难度等方面去综合考虑。工作面长度过大会造成推进速度慢,使上覆岩层垮落充分,周期来压频繁。哈拉沟矿2-2煤层目前使用的支架可以勉强适应长度为320m的工作面,工作面为300m以内最具有安全和经济性。实践表明,研究结果为哈拉沟煤矿大采高加长工作面支架阻力确定、工作面长度优化、回采期间的顶板控制等提供了技术保障。

【Abstract】 With the development of Shanbei coal area, the shallow seam with thin bed rock is deeply studied by researchers in our country,especially the minging face less than 300 meters and mining height under 5 meters.But less research to over 300 meters of the minging face and more than 5 meters of minging height, with the extension of the mining face and the mining height in Shendong coal area, the study of the mining pressure behavior of shallow coal seam and roof control is more and more important.This paper takes the 22209 mining face of Halagou Coal Mine (320m) as research object and has made the complete Mine Pressure Observation of the Mining Face. Comparison with the mine pressure behavior law of the 22209 mining face (240m) shows that the extension fully mechanized mining face regularity of first-weighting and periodic-weight of main roof. The study have analyzed the weighting mechanism over working face and method of calculating working resistance by“key strata theory”and“step voussoir theory”,combining with the real working load of working face.It take the rational evidence for support chosen.Finally,the sdudy have investigated the optimization of reasonable working face length,which came up with the evidence for designing appropriate length of working face.The study to the 2-2 coal seam with lengthening working face (320 meters) of Halagou Coal Mine shows that, the first weighting step distance is 62~77 meters and the average periodic weighting step distance is 9.9~12.9 meters. A small periodic-weighting may exist in a periodic-weighting when the length of working face more than 300 meters. The pressure distribute irregularly and weighting is nonsynchronous. The support resistance is relatively large when weighting, and the mining face pressure is big in the middle and small in two sides. The weighting of the mining face changes periodically and heterogenely, and the suitable working resistance range is 9827~11752kN per shelf. Appropriate length of working face should made overall by rate of advance,economic returns,working resistance and difficulty of roof control. With the length of minging face being oversize, rate of advance slow down and roof caving fully , which can lead to frequent periodic-weighting.Through analyzing the shelf using in the 2-2 coal seam of Halagou Coal Mine,it is found that the present shelf adapt reluctantly to 320 meters ,the length of mining face. The study reach a conclusion that safety and economical efficiency are optimal when the length of working face under 300 meters.Mining practice shows that the result of study can take technical support for shelf chosen ,length of minging face made,roof control during the extraction under safe minging.
