

The Study of Expansive Soil Landslides and the Risk Assessment Methods of Expansive Soil Landslides

【作者】 王璞

【导师】 侯恩科;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 勉县地处陕西省西南部,汉中盆地西端,北居秦岭南坡,南依巴山北麓,各种地质灾害多发,其中滑坡灾害是勉县主要地质灾害之一,在112处滑坡灾害中膨胀土滑坡共计23处,且发育相对集中,发育区人口密度大,人类活动频繁,一旦发生险情将造成很大危害。因此对这种特殊土滑坡的特征及危险性评价方法进行研究可以为此类滑坡的预报预警以及防治工作提供依据。本文通过对勉县膨胀土滑坡进行资料收集、野外调查、现场测量,总结了滑坡的平面形态、剖面形态特征和滑坡类型;运用Mapgis软件绘制灾害点分布图,分析了膨胀土滑坡灾害的分布特征及滑坡体规模小、滑面浅、以汉江为主要分布区的原因;借助扫描电镜、X衍射实验、室内土工实验对膨胀土的结构、矿物成份、矿物相对含量及物理性质进行了研究,总结了勉县膨胀土的结构特征、主要矿物种类和弱、中膨胀性与矿物含量的关系;综合膨胀土滑坡基本特征、分布特点、微观结构、矿物含量等方面内容,分析了滑坡的特征及影响因素,依据滑坡特点、影响因素对勉县膨胀土滑坡的危险性评价方法进行了选择,并对滑坡的危险性进行了定性、定量评价,提出了防治建议。

【Abstract】 Mianxian County is located in the southeast of Shannxi Province with Hanzhong Basin in its south and QingLing in its north. Vary geological disasters would hit the place with landslide beening the seriouset one. There are 112 landslides in Mianxian County among which are 23 expansive soil landslides. Because of the large population density and the frequently human activities of this area, the disasters would cause great damage. So make research of the special soil landslides’characteristics and its risk assessment methods will provides support for the early warning and the prevention.In this thesis, the author sums up the flat surface form, the section form and the types of the landslides of the expansive soil landslides in Mianxian County through imformation collection, outdoor survey and the locale measurement, then analyses the reason of why they are of small size, shallow slide face and manly scattered along Hanjiang River. Firstly Mapgis is used to analyses the distribution characteristics of the disaster sites; secondly, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction experiment and other experiments have been employed to research the expansive soil’s structure, the mineral components and the contents & physical property of the slide soil. The expansive soil is of weak or medium expansibility and it has apparently relationship with the mineral components and the mineral contents; thirdly, the risk assessment methods have been selected according to the traits and the formation factors. Meanwhile, quantitative and qualitative evaluations has been given to the landslides. At the end, the mini pile prevention method is suggested to be used in Mianxian County.
