

Research on System Reasons and Countermeasures of Resource-rich Poor in Northern Shaanxi

【作者】 魏燕妮

【导师】 赵京;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自然资源是经济发展的重要因素,尤其是矿产资源是经济发展的基础性保障。随着我国经济的快速发展,对矿产资源的依赖性逐渐增大,矿产资源对于我国经济社会的发展有着至关重要的作用。陕北是我国罕见、世界少有的能源资源富集区,榆林更是被誉为中国的“科威特”。西部大开发促进了陕北经济的发展,然而,陕北自然资源富集区存在经济与社会之间矛盾、地区之间差异、富区与富民之间的矛盾等诸多不协调的现象,当地的生态环境也遭到破坏,造成“资源富集型贫困”的不公正现象,严重制约了陕北经济社会的可持续发展。因此,研究陕北资源富集型贫困的制度成因,对于促进陕北能源化工基地经济、社会、环境和资源的可持续发展具有重要意义。本文从贫困的制度分析视角出发,在回顾以往文献研究的基础上,首先分析榆林和延安两地能源经济发展下城乡居民贫困现状,在此基础上,研究陕北能源开发利益在中央与地方之间、能源企业和当地居民之间的分配情况,再从自然资源产权制度、资源价格形成机制、财政税收体制、利益分配体制、企业社会责任制度和资源和生态补偿机制等方面分析陕北资源富集型贫困的制度成因,结合陕北的实证研究,最后提出基于制度分析的有利于陕北减贫的对策建议。通过对陕北延安、榆林两市的资源富集型贫困的现状和造成陕北资源富集型贫困的制度成因的分析研究,得出主要研究结论为:(1)根据相关数据分析,陕北延安、榆林两市普遍存在资源富集型贫困的现象,近年来虽有些改观,但局势仍不容乐观;(2)研究表明,陕北资源富集型贫困问题主要源于制度方面的成因,主要包括:自然资源产权制度不合理;资源价格形成机制不完备;财政税收体制不健全;利益分配体制不公正;资源企业社会责任履行不足;补偿机制不足等方面。根据本文分析结果,对陕北减贫提出以下七点对策建议:(1)健全市场化的资源产权制度;(2)改革资源性产品价格形成机制;(3)健全财政税收体制;(4)改革资源收益分配体制;(5)强化企业社会责任;(6)加大投资力度;(7)完善补偿机制。

【Abstract】 Natural resource is an important factor in economic development, especially mineral resources is the basic guarantee in the economic development. With the rapid economic development of China, mineral resource plays an more important role in economic and social development of our country. Northern Shaanxi has lots of energy resources which rarely found in other region in China even in the world. Yulin especially is called Kuwait in China. The process of Western development promote economic development in Northern Shaanxi, however, Northern Shaanxi has conflicts between economy and society, between different areas, between enriching the region and enriching the people in the region, The local ecological environment has also been destroyed, however, creating the injustice phenomena of resource-rich poor , These problems cause a depth restriction in sustainable development of economy and society in Northern Shaanxi. Therefore, research on system reasons of resource-rich poor can promote the sustainable development of economy, society, environment and resource in Northern Shaanxi.From the perspective of institutional analysis of poverty, based on previous research, firstly, this article analyses the statue of urban and rural poverty under the economic development of energy in Yulin and Yanan. Secondly, research on the distribution of the interests of energy development of Northern Shaanxi between central and local governments, energy companies and local residents, Then, from the perspective of natural resources property right system, resource price mechanism, financial tax system, benefit distribution system, corporate social responsibility system and compensation mechanism, analysis the system reason of resource-rich poor in Northern Shaanxi. Lastly, put forward some countermeasures which are favorable to reduce poverty in Northern Shaanxi. From the research on the statue of resource-rich poor in Yulin and Yanan and the system reason which causes resource-rich poor, we can draw two main conclusions as follows:(1) According to data analysis, there is the phenomena of resource-rich poor in Yulin and Yanan, although some improvement in recent years, but the situation is still not optimistic.(2)Study shows that the status of resource-rich poor is due to the system reason, including: irrational system of natural resources property right, incomplete resource price mechanism, incomplete financial tax system, injustice benefit distribution system, inadequate corporate social responsibility, the lack of compensation mechanisms and so on.According to the analysis of this article, seven countermeasures are taken to reduce resource-rich poverty in Northern Shaanxi. (1)Improve market-oriented system of resource property rights.(2)Reform resource price mechanism.(3)Improve financial and tax system.(4)Reform resource revenue distribution system.(5)Strengthen corporate social responsibility.(6)Increase investment.(7)Improve compensation mechanism.
