

The Research of Public Participation System in Developed Countries Environment Protection

【作者】 寿娅琼

【导师】 王郁;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的不断发展,环境污染与环境破坏也随之越来越严重,从而推动了西方国家的环境保护革命。在环境保护领域里,起初,人们总是把目光关注在政府和市场两大“巨头”上:政府作为“资源的权威性分配者”,理应担负起保护环境的重任;而市场则从另一渠道担负起保护环境的责任。政府主导,市场辅助,两者成为环境保护不可或缺的“两翼”。然而,“政府失灵”和“市场失灵”将公众参与推向了环境保护的前台,公众参与已成为美国、日本、欧盟等国家环境保护领域的一个重要环节。此外,联合国、世界银行、经合会等国际机构或组织对公众参与也有明确的规定。可见,现在人们已经越来越重视公众参与环境保护的必要性和重要性。本文首先从公众参与环境保护的基本概念的界定和理论基础出发,阐述了现代社会背景下公众参与、环境保护的概念和相关的理论。其次通过对美国、日本、欧盟几个典型国家和地区环境保护领域公众参与的比较和研究,探索其公众参与环境保护的制度框架,包括宪法、环境保护基本法、环境保护单行法中的相关内容及特色,在政治和社会两方面的实施机制等。最后分析了国外环境保护公众参与制度的借鉴意义,提出对我国公众更好、更积极地参与环保领域的启示。第一就是提高政府对公众参与环境保护重要性的认识,从思想的根源上解决问题,公众参与环境保护是国家环保事业的必然趋势、全社会的必然需求。第二就是完善环境保护公众参与的法律体系,从具体行动上解决问题,将公众参与环境保护合法化。第三就是完善环境保护公众参与的社会机制,从管理、扶持等方面改善环保非政府组织的运作,使之成为一支环境保护的中坚力量。

【Abstract】 With the development of our society economic,environment pollution and environment disruption are worsening step by step,so it promoting the environment protection of the revolution in western countries.In the domain of environment protection,people pay attention to the government and the market:the government is the authority assigner of the natural resources,it is his main obligation to protect the environment ; the market is acting another way to protect the environment.The government and the market become "Two Wings" in the environment protection.But the malfunction of the government and the market push the public participation to the proscenium of the environment protection.Public participation has become an important link in the United States,Japan,European Union and other countries in the field of environmental protection.In addition,the United Nations,the World Bank,the Economic Cooperation and other international institutions or organizations have clear regulations to the public participation.It is thus clear that people have become more and more emphasis on public participation in the environment protection of necessity and importance.First,this thesis starts from the basic connotation and theoretical basis of the public participation in the environment protection,explaining the concept of public participation and environment protection in modern society and related theory.Secondly,by means of comparing and studying the public participation in the environment protection in the United States,Japan,European Union and other countries,explore their institutional framework , including the relevant contents and characteristics of the constitution,the cardinal law for environment protection and the separate law for environmental protection ,implementation mechanism in political and social and so on.Last,this thesis analyses the lesson of foreign public participation in the environment protection,and put forward a proposal to let the public participate in the environment protection better and more active in our country.The first is to raise the government realize the importance of the public participation in the environment protection,solve the problem from the idea of the root,the public participation in the environment protection is an inexorable trend and demand in the whole society.The second is to perfect the public participation in the environment protection legislation,solve the problem from the specific action,make the public participation in the environment protection legalization.The third is to perfect the social mechanism of the public participation in the environment protection , improving environmental non-government operation from management and supporting,let it become a force team for environment protection.
