

Improvement on Production Processes of Display and Control Panels

【作者】 于玲

【导师】 周炳海; 成新声;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 XX公司是一家中央直属航空企业下的子公司,为适应国防工业发展的需要,公司引入并实施精益生产,要求各生产车间消除浪费,提高生产效率,降低生产成本。本文以显控面板的生产过程为研究对象,收集车间生产现状的数据,绘制当前价值流图,并运用价值流分析技术,识别流程中的浪费,并绘制未来价值流图。论文利用工业工程和精益生产工具,对显控面板的生产流程进行分析,制定并实施了一套精益改进方案。首先,对显控面板的工序流程进行改善,利用ESCR原则和5W2H技术,消除不必要的活动,使总的操作时间减少了70%,总的路线距离缩短为原先的37%。其次,对车间的流程线路进行了分析,改进布局,将原先的1、4层立体运输改为1层平面运输,令各生产环节更加紧凑,物流距离大大缩减,生产面积减少了44.6%。同时,对装配线使用作业测定的方法,根据各工位的标准用时进行平衡性改善,使装配线的平衡率由改善前的55.17%提高到了86.4%,产能提升率为70.8%。最后,整条生产线应用了看板拉动系统,基本上实现了“一个流”生产模式。通过实施精益流程改进活动,显控面板的交货周期LT减少了73.57%,加工效率PCE提高了209.5%,是公司持续改善的一个好的开端,也为集团内其他子公司进行精益改造起到了参考、指导作用。

【Abstract】 XX Company is a subsidiary company of an aviation group directly owned by the country. To meet the developing requirement of the defense industry, the company has introduced and implemented lean production. She requires all production shops to eliminate waste, improve production efficiency and reduce production cost.This paper researches on the production processes of display and control panels, collects data of the current production situation of shops, draws the current value stream maps, and recognizes waste in current processes by using value stream analyzing technique, based on which the future value stream mapping are carried out. By means of industry engineering and lean production tools, this paper analyzes the production processes of display and control panels, makes and carries out a lean improvement proposal. First, improvement on processes and flows of display and control panels is described, which is to use ESCR principle and 5W2H technique to eliminate unnecessary activities, so that the total operation time can reduce by 70% and the total path can be shortened to 37% of the original. Second, the flows in shops are analyzed and layouts are improved by changing the original solid transportation among the first and fourth floors into one floor horizontal transportation. This measure makes all production links more tight, logistics distance greatly reduced and production area reduced by 44.6%. At the same time, by employing work measurement method on bottleneck process assembly line to calculate standard working time of each process, and afterwards carrying out balance improvement, the balance rate in assembly line increases to 86.4% from the original 55.17%, and production capacity increases by 70.8%. Last, the whole production line applies the Kanban Pull System and generally realizes“One Flow”production pattern.By carrying out lean process improvement activities, the lead time LT of display and control panels reduces by 73.57%, and machining efficiency PCE increases by 209.5%, which is a good start of the company’s sustainable improvement and also plays a directive role for other subsidiaries under the group on lean improvement.
