

Work Analysis and Implement in Triangle Window Work Cell of Vertical Press

【作者】 王林

【导师】 熊树平; 陶勇伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车市场的日益成熟,已经形成了买方市场、汽车及其零配件产业领域的制造企业面临着更加严苛的竞争环境。企业对“拼管理,降成本”的工业工程领域有着更深的认识和迫切的需求。优化整体生产流程,降低生产成本,提高生产效率,成为目前国内企业的普遍愿景及发展方向。本文以某著名汽车玻璃制造企业(AA企业)为背景,以实际生产状况为平台,尝试使用工作研究来对立式注塑机三角窗生产单元进行生产优化及改善。首先,本文简述了工作研究方法及工具的选择,描述了AA企业生产单元的实际状况,通过价值流分析找到过程中的改善点,并对此进行了分析及优化。然后,使用布局改善、生产线平衡及人机工程改善等工业工程工具对整个生产单元的过程改善、方案选择和工具使用等进行重点研究,为后续目标的实现夯实基础。最后,总结了实施改善的效果,并对后期的工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 With the ever increasing development of the automotive market, the manufacturers of automotive parts face to the more and more competitive environment due to the buyer’s market. Nowadays, the domestic companies have the insistent requests of applying industrial engineering tools to pursue the better management and lower cost. Optimizing the production process, saving the cost and improving the efficiency are their general visions.Based on the case study of a famous manufacturer (AA) of automotive safety glass, this article attempted to use the work study tool to optimize and improve the vertical press production of triangle window.Firstly, the methods and basic tools used in this study are briefly described, followed by the analysis of current status by VSM and the corresponding optimization afterwards.Secondly, several improvements of the whole production unit, related to the layout improving, line balance and the ergonomic upgrading, are proposed and implemented for achieving the expected targets.Finally, the results are summarized and the future work is outlined.
