

The Design and Achievement of Large Capacity Centrifuge Sample Monitoring Project Based on Wireless Sensor Network

【作者】 胡志江

【导师】 王琴; 陈珏明;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 集成电路工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 离心机是医疗和科研中的一项重要设备,它的工作参数(如温度)的准确与否直接关系到医疗诊断和科研工作的质量。目前大型医用离心机的样本温度的普遍采集方式是通过大量的实验数据找出一定转速下离心腔内温度和样本腔温度的数据,然后通过最小二乘法取得它们之间的线性关系,再以可测定的腔内温度为可变因子和对应的线性关系取得大致的样本温度。这种获取样本温度的方法存在一定的偏差。为了使得产品更具有竞争力,寻找更精确的样本温度采集方案迫在眉睫。本设计的目的是为从大型医用离心机的固定、密闭离心腔内获取样本温度而搭建无线传感器网络WSN(WirelessSensorNetwork)。将无线传感网络的结点放置于全封闭的、固定的样本容器内,通过小范围的无线网络将样本温度读取出来。首先,本文通过对几种无线通信技术的比较和分析,指出Zigbee无线技术是最适合使用在本项目中的技术。并且分析了Zigbee体系结构和网络拓扑结构。其后重点放在了Zigbee协议栈的网络层部分。接着提出了系统整体设计方案。并对本设计采用的处理器和射频模块做了充分的研究,阐述了平台的硬件结构和软件设计。在软件设计中从本项目应用出发设计了数据包结构、接收数据包模块、解包模块和数据包发送模块等。该软件可实现自组织网络、增加和删除结点。本设计最后对传感器网络进行了测试,测试结果表明采用本设计取得的样本温度比传统的温度采集方案在准确度上有显著的提高。

【Abstract】 Centrifuge is indispensable equipment in medicine and scientific research field where the accuracy of its running parameters (eg. temperature) plays a decisive role. At present, the estimated sample chamber temperature is calculated as a curve fitting quadratic function which is designed based on temperature duck testing. It is obviously that the sample temperature should not be very accurate. In order to give our product more competitive advantages, an accuracy sample temperature collection solution is requested.This paper designed a wireless sensor network (WSN) to monitor actual sample temperature in an air-tight sample chamber for a high volume medical centrifuge. This kind of wireless sensor could be used as an ideal temperature collector in an air-tight sample chamber.Firstly, this paper analyses and compares Zigbee with other wireless technologies to indicates that Zigbee is the best solution applied in this centrifuge project. This paper gives a brief introduction on Zigbee protocol and topological, especially researching the MAC protocol.Secondly, this paper gives a broad overview of the wireless sensor network and realizes both hardware and software design which implements transmission and receival of the pack, network self-configuration, join and detachness of the end node.At last, the wireless sensor network tesing result suggests that the accuracy was increased remarkably.

  • 【分类号】TN929.5;TP212.9;TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】89
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