

Research and Application of Integration Technology in Broadcasting and Television System

【作者】 何清

【导师】 曹健; 陈宏;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 计算机技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着IT技术与广播电视技术结合日益密切,电视节目生产各环节基本都可以用IT系统来替代。但是由于开始建设时,各电视台往往只考虑到用网络化系统实现单一业务或业务环节的功能,并没有考虑到与台内其它业务或业务环节的互联互通,造成信息孤岛现象普遍存在,导致各个生产环节的资源不能共享,业务流程断裂,网络化的优势没有得到充分的发挥。解决电视台内各系统的集成,对电视台的业务发展具有重要意义。本论文意在广电行业内数字化网络化大背景前提下,探讨电视台内分布式异构网络化系统的互联技术应用、系统整合架构及实施方法。论文首先论述研究了广电内部系统互联必须考虑的四个层次、几种技术架构及针对广电大数据量视音频文件特点提出的互联关键技术。其次从软件及硬件两个层次及系统整合误区分析了广电内部系统整合的需求、原则,并在此基础上提出了一种基于双总线互联技术的广电行业内部系统整合架构设计。双总线技术是一种基于SOA架构的面向异构应用系统集成互联模型,文中提出通过Web Service、消息中间件传递元信息、通过FTP交换缓存传递媒体文件来实现该模型。作为实践,按照上述架构设计对某电视台全台网(指电视台内以IT技术和数字电视技术为基础,以计算机网络为核心实现电视节目采、编、播、存的网络化系统)做出了总体规划设计。最后以某电视台全台网系统建设为实例,探讨了数据及应用、业务流程等几个层面的系统整合实施,对电视台全台网系统的业务系统数据流、系统接口及关键业务流程的进行了分析与设计,并以一个视频资料归档的实例介绍了双总线技术在流程设计中的应用。本论文成果已在某电视台进入实际应用,对该台节目生产效率的提高、生产成本的降低带来了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 With the close contact of IT and TV broadcasting technology, all stages of the TV program producer can be achieved by IT system. But, because at the beginning of construction every TV station just considered the single service function realized by networked system and ignored the comprehensive integration solution, it is caused that information isolated island is ubiquitous and resources can’t be shared, so the advantages of network can’t be realized. It has great significance for business development to resolve the question of interconnection in TV stations. In the radio and television industry facing digital and network trend, this thesis aims to discuss the network technology application and the system integration architecture in the distributed and heterogeneous system.This thesis first studies the level and some kinds of technical architecture, discussing the principle, level and key components about the process from interaction to integration. Also it lists four major mistaken ideas in system integration and the future technology development about interconnection are expected. On this basis, it presents the design of system integration architecture. As the practice to the theory, the author puts forward overall planning and design about the construction of the whole-station network based on the principle above.Secondly, this thesis gives a profound analysis of the key technology with regard to interoperability solutions. Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Enterprise Media Bus (EMB) are integration models orienting heterogeneous application system based on SOA architecture and interconnection models realizing interactive process among plenty of audio-video files used in the radio and television industry. Some TV station selected this technology to achieve the interconnection.Finally, taking the construction of some whole-station network as an example, the thesis expounds how to design and carry out the system integration from three levels about hardware platform, data application system and business process. And this thesis introduces the data flow analysis and the design of the key business process in detail. The application of dual bus technology in process design is introduced taking video information filing as case in the thesis. The result of this thesis has entered actual application in some TV station. It brings good effects including improving program production efficiency and reducing production cost for this TV station.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09;TN94
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】99
  • 攻读期成果