

【作者】 路一村

【导师】 谭振亭;

【作者基本信息】 贵州民族学院 , 经济法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 破产重整制度是我国破产法新确立的一项以拯救财务陷入困境的企业为目的的法律制度。它具有对象特定化、程序启动和参与主体多元化、申请原因宽松化、目标多元化、程序的优先性、拯救企业的措施多样以及限制担保物权优先性的特点。上述这些特点从各个方面体现了重整制度恢复企业营运价值的重要意义,对陷入破产但仍有一定起死回生价值的企业具有重要意义。然而,自破产重整制度实施以来的两年多时间中,经过对已经发生的重整案例的考察,可以发现我国的破产重整制度仍存在不足之处。本文结合相关案例,主要对破产重整制度中重整计划的正常批准程序缺乏明确标准的问题,强制批准重整计划中对少数持反对意见的个人缺乏保护的问题,强制批准中法院对计划草案可行性审查的问题,重整制度在适用中成本昂贵、缺乏效率和滥用危机的问题,重整制度在适用中政府的干预问题进行了探讨,比较国外的重整制度设计,联系我国破产重整实际提出笔者的相关对策建议。

【Abstract】 Bankruptcy Reorganization is a new legal system in Bankruptcy Law in our country, which is established in order to save the companies in financial trouble. There are many characteristics in the system, such as object specific, start and participate diversity, liberal application of reason, target diversity, program priorities, corporate rescue measures diversity and limit the priority of security interest. All the features reflect the significance of Bankruptcy Reorganization in restore the value of business operations, which has important practical significance for the bankruptcy enterprise that is still with certain intrinsic value. However, there are still some deficiencies in the Bankruptcy Reorganization after the case study in our country in the two years since the implementation of the bankruptcy reorganization system.With relevant case, this paper discussed mainly in the issue of the lack of clear standards in the normal approval process in the Bankruptcy Reorganization plan, in the issue of the lack of protection from the individuals which has the dissenting opinion in the mandatory approval of Bankruptcy Reorganization Plan, in the issue of the courts feasibility review approval of the draft plan in the mandatory approval of Bankruptcy Reorganization Plan, in the issue of the system in the application of expensive, inefficient and abuse crisis, in the issue of government intervention in reforming the system. The paper proposes relevant countermeasures after the practical case study in our country, combined with the advanced design in abroad Bankruptcy Reorganization system.
