

The Study on Large Substation Seismic Vulnerability Considering the Interaction of Structure and Electric Equipment

【作者】 蒋凤梅

【导师】 牛荻涛; 文波;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 变电站作为整个电力系统的重要组成部分,一旦遭遇地震破坏,将导致整个电力系统无法正常运行,不但会造成严重的次生灾害和惨重的经济损失,而且会影响抗震救灾工作的顺利进行。目前国内外都加强了对电力系统地震灾害的研究工作,但是变电站的地震易损性研究还处于起步阶段,有许多问题值得深入研究。本文主要根据实际变电站工程,首先建立了考虑主体结构-电气设备相互作用的三维动力分析模型,考察了电气设备不同摆放形式及电气设备-主体结构不同质量比对变电站自振周期及振型特征的影响,并与按现行变电站设计方法即不考虑主体结构-电气设备相互作用的计算模型分析结果进行对比。分析结果表明,变电站主体结构的纵、横向刚度相差较大,抗扭刚度偏小,扭转效应显著。此外设备的不同摆放形式及设备-主体结构不同质量比均对变电站的自振周期及振型特征有不同程度的影响,考虑主体结构-电气设备相互作用的计算模型能够更真实反映变电站的动力特性。本文还选取了不同震中距和震级的100条实际地震纪录,以结构的最大层间位移角作为整体地震需求参数,在电气设备不同摆放形式及电气设备-主体结构不同质量比等八种工况条件下,以地震动地面峰值加速度PGA作为随机变量,进行了变电站非线性动力时程分析。通过地震需求分析,建立地震需求模型,得到变电站地震易损性曲线。结果表明,随着地面峰值加速PGA的增大,变电站轻微破坏、中等破坏、严重破坏和倒塌四种破坏状态对应的失效概率也都逐渐增大,即变电站的易损性增大。随着质量比的逐渐增大,相同地面峰值加速度PGA对应的破坏状态的失效概率呈逐渐增大的趋势。当已知变电站遭遇地震的地面峰值加速度、电气设备的摆放形式和电气设备-主体结构质量比时,可从得到的地震易损性曲线评估变电站在地震作用下的失效概率。

【Abstract】 As an important part of the whole power system, substation once suffered earthquake damage will cause the entire power system can not run normally, which will not only cause serious secondary disasters and heavy economic losses, but also affects the smooth progress of relief work smoothly. At present, the research for earthquake disasters of the power system have been strengthened both at home and abroad, but substation seismic vulnerability research is still in its beginning stage. There are many issues which need further study.According to the actual substation project, a three-dimensional dynamic analysis model is established considering interaction of the main structure and the electrical equipment. The influence of the different placing forms of electrical equipment and the different quality of electrical equipment- main structure to electrical equipment for vibration cycle and the vibration type feature of the substation are inspected. Compari-son was made between the current design method of not considering the interaction of electric equipment and main structure calculation model analysis results and using the method above. The results showed that longitudinal stiffness of the main structure of the substation has great difference with the transverse stiffness, the torsional stiffness is small and the torsion effect is remarkable. Besides, the different place form of equipment and the different quality of the equipment - the main structure has the influence of different level for the vibration cycle and vibration mode of substation. So the calculation model considering the interaction of the main structure- equipment is capable of reflecting the dynamic characteristics of substation more real.The dynamic characteristics of transformer substation is obtained. 100 practical seismic records of different epicentral distance and magnitude is chosen and the biggest layers structural displacement Angle is chosen as seismic demand parameters. Under the condition of different placing forms of electrical equipment and the different quality of electrical equipment - main structure, considering the ground vibration variability, the nonlinear time-history analysis for substation is done. Through the earthquake needs analysis, establish seismic demand model is established. Finally, the seismic vulnerabil-ity curve for substation is obtained. The results showed that, with the increase of the peak ground acceleration PGA, the failure probability of the four destruction states ,mild damage, moderate damage, severely damaged and collapsed are gradually increasing. Namely the vulnerability of substation increased. With the gradually increasing of quality ratio, the failure probability of destruction states for the same ground peak accelerations PGA has a trend of gradually increase. So when knowing the peak ground acceleration, the form of equipment place, the quality ratio of the equipment - the main structure, we can evaluation the failure probability of substation under earthquake from the seismic vulnerability curve.
