

Study on Progress Control and Coordination of Multi-items Parallel Construction

【作者】 王雪艳

【导师】 胡长明;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 土木工程建造与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速发展,大型工程项目如雨后春笋般的大量涌现,然而,对大型工程项目建设的组织协调、进度管理尚处于探索阶段,因此,针对大型项目实施阶段的过程管理理论与进度控制技术的研究显得十分必要。本文以唐大明宫国家遗址公园建设项目为研究背景,针对该工程建设项目复杂、参建单位和交叉工作面多、工程不可预见性强等特点,运用并行工程的思想对该项目建设阶段实施管理,根据项目建设过程中各参与单位的性质与特点,设置项目决策层、执行层与作业层三个层次,对每一层次的职责范围进行详细分工,强调业主、设计单位及施工单位的相互配合与协调,建立多专业小组,使建设过程并行交叉,在此基础上构建出大明宫国家遗址公园建设项目并行管理的机构框架;针对该工程工期紧,需要边设计边施工的特点,采用平行工序排序优化理论,对该工程5道宫墙中14个宫门的设计与施工进行了排序,结果显示位于关键线路上的南宫墙宫门排序后使宫门宫墙工程总工期向后推迟2天,其余各道宫墙的最迟必须开始时间向后推迟,为其他单位留有充裕的时间进行宫门宫墙设计与施工的准备工作,也为大型机械设备进入园区内部施工提供了有利渠道。研究表明:将并行工程的管理思想与平行工序排序优化理论应用到由政府投资的大型多项目工程建设与管理中,不仅能够构建出满足此类工程需求的科学合理的组织机构框架,而且能够解决此类工程的多项目排序问题,有助于管理单位合理安排单项工程设计与施工顺序,能够减少各单项工程施工存在的冲突,并且降低了大量劳动力流动造成的损失,从而节约成本,加快工程建设进度,能够取得良好的社会和经济效益。本文的研究成果可为类似工程的管理提供参考。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of our country’s economy, large projects have mushroomed of springing. However, organization and coordination, progress management of large project construction is still in the stage of exploration. Therefore, the research on process management theory and schedule control technology of large project implementation stage is necessary.The paper’s research background is Tang Daming place national heritage park construction project. The construction project is complex, with more cross work face and strong unpredictable nature, as well as many cooperative building units. Concurrent engineering is used in the project construction phase management, According to the nature and characteristics of each participation units in the project construction process, the project is setted clear division of three levels which are decision-making, directors and homework layer. Concurrent engineering thoughts which emphasize mutual cooperation and harmony among the owner, design units, construction units are used in the project construction phase management and coordination. The construction process parallel crossover is obtained by establishment of multi- professional team. Based on those, the parallel management organization framework on construction project of Daming place national the project is constructed; According to the project’s characteristics that construction schedule is tighten and the design and construction have to synchronization, by processes sorting optimization theory , the design and construction of fourteen doors of five walls are sorted. Results showed that the total project period two days off back by the sort of wall and door which lies the south project and locates in the key circuits, and the late must start time of the rest of the walls is delayed, for other units leave plenty of time to design and construct the wall and door, as well as is provided favorable channels for large mechanical equipment into internal park to construct.The results indicated that the parallel management thought and parallel processes sorting optimization theory are used in the construction and management of large project by government investment, not only able to established reasonable organization framework which can meet such engineering’s requirements, but also can solve such engineering project’s multi-project sort. It conductive to management unit reasonably arrange the order of single engineering design and construction ,can reduce the conflicts of engineering construction, and reduce the massive labor mobility damage, thus saving cost, speeding up the construction progress, good social and economic benefits can be obtained. The result of this paper can provide reference for the similar project’s management.
