

Poetic Imagery of Architectural Space in the Context of Regional Culture

【作者】 王婧

【导师】 屈培青;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 理性主义的操作方式只重视快速、简便、精确地制造建筑,却很少关注体验、知觉、意识等精神范畴和社会文化范畴。于是就产生了种种“无感觉”的建筑及空间,也使得“文化趋同”现象日益严重,熟悉的场所逐渐消失,取而代之的是陌生和冷漠的空间环境。这些致使人们开始寻求建构的意义和价值。而中国传统美学中的意境讲求的是形神兼备,情景交融,物我合一,这正是设计创作中所需要追求的境界。所以本文对空间意境进行研究,试图寻求能够唤起记忆、激发情感、引起共鸣的空间场所,从而让人们获得美好空间体验的同时,也找回了地方精神。本文是根据建筑现象学相关理论中对于场所精神的关注,对于人在空间中的感知与体验的关注,来进行空间意境的分析与研究。将空间意境分解为空间意象和空间情境两个方面,意象为“形”,情境为“神”,地域文化作为意境产生的大背景也通过这两个方面渗透到空间中去,从而形成具有地域文化特征的空间意境。本文通过西安曲江民俗街这一实际项目的分析研究,探讨其关中文化影响下的空间意境的营造,理论结合实际并且深化理论,最后对具体的设计手法进行总结即:回归真实空间,注重知觉体验;塑造空间场所,加强场所认同;利用虚实关系,取境造境;精于细部处理,烘托气氛。

【Abstract】 Rationalist mode of operation is only concerned about fast, simple, precise manufacturing buildings, but little attention to experience, perception, consciousness and other spiritual aspects and socio-cultural context. Thus a variety of "no feeling " of the buildings and space are have being produced, making the phenomenon of "cultural convergence " growing. familiar place gradually are being disappeared, instead of the strange and cold environment. The concept has changed from "object oriented" to "people oriented", seeking meaning and value of construction. Artistic conception of Chinese traditional aesthetics emphasizing on the both of form and spirit, A blend of intelligence and the King, the unity of Material and human, all of which is our pursuit of highest level In the design field. So the studies of Artistic conception attempts to seek the space, evoking memories, inspiring emotion and resonating, so that people get better space experience and retrieve the local spirit.The analysis and research of Artistic conception is based on the theory of architecture phenomenology which concerns for the spirit of place and people’s perception and experience. Artistic Conception of space is composed by the Space Imagery and Space contextual. Imagery has been as "form "and contextual as "spirit ", Local culture has infiltrated through the space from these two aspects, creating the Space contextual of local cultural identity.The Exploration of creating the Artistic Conception of space under the influence of cultural in Guanzhong Region takes an example of the design of Qujiang phoenix pool Folk street. The analysis Integrates theory with practice and deepens the theory. At last , Design Methods are summarized as follows: backing to real space by focusing on perceived experience; creating sense of place to enhance cultural identity; Using of the Contrast of Imaginary and real to create Artistic conception; specializing in detail to foil atmosphere.
