

Research on Creation Strategy of Vernacular Settlement Landscape in the Perspective of Water Resource under the Constraints

【作者】 李玥宏

【导师】 王军; 岳邦瑞;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 论文以新疆干旱区绿洲、乡土聚落及景观构成要素为研究理论基础。侧重以分析和总结水资源对聚落形态组织、景观构成、空间场所等的约束性和适应性研究。这决定本文研究逻辑关系为:阐释关系(阐释水资源与聚落营造间的约束关系)——总结智慧(总结在水资源约束下传统绿洲聚落的营造经验与绿色智慧)——凝练策略(凝练出具普遍意义的干旱区乡土聚落设计手法与营造策略)。本文以东疆和南疆干旱地区具有代表性的乡土聚落为研究对象,运用分析比较与归纳演绎相结合的方法,通过文献研究,实地调研等研究手段,得出干旱区聚落的选址布局,组织选型,形态构成,规模发展,景观构建,空间设置等营造各步骤都受到水资源的必然约束。论文绪论部分主要针对研究背景、研究目的、研究意义、研究对象、研究综述、研究方法、研究框架、研究内容进行梳理和整合;第二章主要研究水资源对绿洲乡土聚落景观的决定性影响,包括水资源和绿洲乡土聚落的关系阐述,绿洲乡土聚落分布与变迁的水资源约束分析;第三、四章是针对水资源约束下聚落营造策的案例分析。第三章以东疆(吐鲁番盆地)代表性乡土聚落麻扎村为例,第四章以南疆(塔里木盆地)代表性乡土聚落普鲁村为例,分别从水资源约束下聚落的选址布局、形态构成、空间构成、景观构成等方面展开论述;第五章主要对乡土聚落景观营造各层级进行划分并对各级归纳总结;对乡土聚落景观营造层级进行尺度化和要素化的分类;对两个典型乡土聚落景观的水资源适应性类比分析,最终总结出三个尺度下的乡土聚落景观营造策略。第六章为结论和创新点即干旱区乡土聚落景观营造的6点传统经验和智慧:聚落选址布局的逐水性;聚落组织选型的缘水性;聚落规模扩张的唯水性;聚落生产发展的节水性;聚落民居建筑的傍水性;聚落空间场所的亲水性;9条具有普遍意义的干旱区乡土聚落景观营造策略:选址布局策略,组织选型策略,规模控制策略,形态构成策略,道路组织策略,民居建筑选址策略,空间构成策略,景观构成策略,适应性技术应用策略。综上,本文以水资源约束的视角来分析干旱区乡土聚落景观的营造策略,系统记录干旱区乡土聚落在回应水资源特征所具有的适应性经验智慧。并从聚落营造程序层面对干旱区乡土聚落及聚落景观进行分析,以应对目前对于聚落环境研究缺乏针对聚落内部除建筑环境以外的空间组织与资源的关系阐述。还将干旱区乡土聚落的研究与景观学空间分析方法相结合,以景观设计中的要素构成及分类手法对干旱区乡土聚落景观进行分析整合,凝练出干旱区乡土聚落景观规划手法与地域性聚落营造策略。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang Local Settlements and landscape elements constitute is the theoretical basis of the paper. Logic of this thesis:Interpretation of relations(The relationship between water resources and settlements)——Experience(Constraints in the water to create the experience of traditional oasis settlements and green wisdom)——Strategy(Design techniques and strategies in arid zone native village).The focus of this paper is local settlements and settlement composition of interior space, such as settlement pattern organization, landscape composition and public places sitting. Rural settlement of eastern and southern arid areas of Xinjiang, as the research object, that construction features constrained by water. Through a series of research processes, including basic theory research, fieldwork and conclusion summary. Analysis and summary of the methods summarized settlement construction in arid areas at all levels constrained by water. These levels are location layout, organization selection, pattern constitution, scale development, landscape construction and space organization.The Introduction section includes papers: background, objective, research significance, object, summary, methods, research framework and research content. The second chapter of local water resources in oasis settlements decisive impact on the landscape, including Oasis Water Resources and the relationship between local settlements, water resources in oasis settlements in the decisive influence. Chapters third and the fourth is for water resources policy constraints to create a case study settlement. Chapter third selection eastern Xinjiang (Turpan Basin) representation of rural settlements Mazha village and chapter fourth in southern Xinjiang (Tarim Basin) Representative Pulu Village Local Settlement. Chapter fifth,Local settlement landscape of the division and summary,Finally summed up the three scales to create a strategy for rural settlement landscape. Chapter sixth is the conclusion and innovation, Summarized in the six experiences and wisdom, namely: site layout should closely follow the water settlement, selection of village organizations; the form should be determined according to the water; Settlement expansion in the scale of how much water should be; Settlement should be based on conservation of water resources development of production-based; Settlement residential buildings should be as close to water; Place of settlement space should attract crowds by the affinity for water exchange. And 9 arid areas of universal significance and create a strategy for rural village landscape: Strategy of Site layout, Strategy of Organization Selection, Strategy of Scale Control, Constitute a policy form, Roads organizational strategy, Residential construction site policy, Spatial composition strategies, Landscape Composition and Strategy, Adaptation strategies business strategy.Summary, Perspective of this paper to analyze the constraints of water resources in arid areas to create a landscape of rural settlement strategy, the system records of native settlements in arid areas of water resources in response to the adaptability of the experience with wisdom. Create a program from the village level on local villages and settlements in arid areas of the landscape in order to address the current lack of environmental studies for the settlement within the village except for the built environment and resources outside of the relationship between spatial organization described. Rural settlements in arid areas will also research and Landscape combining spatial analysis methods to landscape design elements of composition and classification of local settlement practices on the landscape in arid areas of integration, condensed out of native settlements in arid areas and regional settlement landscape planning approach create a strategy.
