

The Technical Approach in Rehabilitation and Reclamation of the Habitats in Xi’an Chanba Wetland Park

【作者】 李梦丹

【导师】 刘晖;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 湿地作为一种独特的生态系统,介于水生和陆生生态系统之间,在维持生态平衡以及涵养水源、蓄洪防旱、降解污染、调节气候、保护生物多样性和珍稀物种资源、补充地下水、控制土壤侵蚀等方面均起到重要作用。近年人们逐渐意识到湿地价值的同时,也发现湿地退化严重。由于湿地拥有多种生态功能和社会经济价值,随着我国人口增长、城市化加快和工农业经济的快速发展,为了追求短期效益,许多地区的湿地遭到盲目开垦、过量抽排地下水、污水排放等人为因素的影响,面积急剧减少,生态系统遭到严重破坏。尤其是城市边缘的湿地,受城市化、工业化影响最深,退化程度最为严重。本文研究西北半干旱半湿润地区如何经由技术手段恢复及营造已退化的河口湿地生境。西安浐灞湿地公园所在的灞河渭河交汇口河口湿地遭遇的主要问题为:已被硬质堤坝从河道隔离,无稳定水源,水系季节性变化很大;地形造破坏,破碎化程度极高;场地被城市干道和铁道分割,噪音和扬尘干扰动植物栖息以及人群进入;现有生态环境脆弱,生物多样性低下,景观异质性较低;原有湿地生境类型已不可考。研究尝试将自然生态系统分解为可由人工技术对应的工程系统,将技术途径集成化,综合解决基础物理环境及生态系统问题,考虑场地生物生境和参与人群双方的需求,以及建设后续的管理及维护手段。在符合地域特征的同时提供可供其它恢复性湿地公园参考的模式。论文将生境恢复营造分为基础环境和生物系统两大部分。在基础环境领域通过地形塑造,土壤结构重塑,增加防渗层,水系统建构和水量控制的方式营造适宜湿生动植物生长的基础湿地物态环境;在生物系统部分针对当地现有生态系统,引导和建立较为完整的植物种群和生物食物链,以期最终形成能够自我运转的生态系统,构建适宜西北地区半干旱半湿润气候的湿地生境。并能归纳出能够应用于相似自然条件下的人工恢复营造湿地公园的技术体系。

【Abstract】 Wetlands as an unique ecosystem cross between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, has played an important role in terms of conservation of biological diversity and rare species resources, maintain ecological balance and water conservation, flood and drought, degradation of pollution, climate regulation, groundwater recharge and controls of soil erosion. In recent years, people are getting to realize the value of wetlands, but also found serious degradation of wetlands. Since wetlands have a variety of social and economic value of ecological functions, as China’s reality in population growth, fast urbanization, the rapid development of industrial and agricultural economy, in order to pursue short-term benefits, many areas of wetlands have been blind reclamated. Pumping ground water, sewage and other human factors, an area rapidly decreased, the ecosystem has been severely damaged. Particularly the wetlands landed on the edge of the city are affected most by urbanization and industrialization, and have been suffered from the deepest, most serious degradation.In this paper, the main subject is to research how to restore and recreate a degraded wetland habitats through technology in the northwest semi-arid sub-humid lands. The main problems that this river mouth wetland encountered was: Rigid dam has been isolated from the river, no stable water; Terrain made destruction, fragmentation, high; the existing fragile ecological environment, biological diversity is low; The original wetland habitat types have not test. Technical way of trying to integrated, comprehensive solution based on the physical environment and eco-systems, Consider the space habitats and participate in the needs of both groups, as well as building management and maintenance measures up. In line with regional characteristics, while providing reference for other models of restorative wetland park.The paper will be divided into two parts, habitat restoration and the forming of the basis of two major environmental and biological systems, In the base area of the environment through the terrain shape, soil structure, remodeling, construction of water systems and water control, Create a suitable basis for wetland plants and animals of the wet surface features state of the environment. In some biological systems to guide and establish a more complete plant populations and biological food chain, eventually form a self-functioning ecosystems and wetland habitat construction.

  • 【分类号】X37;X171.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】399
  • 攻读期成果