

Study on the Risk-Warning Management of LZC Agent Firm

【作者】 戈伟

【导师】 卢梅;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国代建制度的发展,越来越多的工程项目管理公司或咨询公司等企业涉入代建行业,然而由于代建制度等相关因素引出的问题日趋严峻,从而导致代建企业在从事代建经营时面临极大的风险。本文针对LZC代建公司,详细研究了代建企业如何通过识别、评价、应对风险,使政府投资项目能最大限度达到预期的效果。本文以LZC代建公司为例,充分分析代建企业面临的风险,运用RBS法建立LZC代建公司风险指标体系;用层次分析法、可拓评价方法和灰色关联理论法建立了风险评价的数学模型,对风险进行评价;分析确定了LZC代建公司及不同风险指标的风险状态和等级;并从代建企业风险规避对策、风险持续管理及风险预警系统完善的配套措施这三方面论述LZC代建公司风险的应对策略和方法。本文对LZC代建企业风险预警管理进行研究,全面分析LZC代建企业面临的风险因素,提高了LZC代建企业风险管理水平,也对提升代建项目管理成效具有重要实践价值。同时,风险预警管理的研究对其它代建企业风险管理提供了有利借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of agent firm, more and more project management companies or the consulting companies are involved in the field of the agent construction. While the increasingly serious problems originated from this system have resulted in the great risks for the businesses that those companies have been involved. So the paper mainly deals with the ways how these companies identify and evaluate the risks of the agent projects as well as the expected outcomes that the investment from the municipal government can achieve.Taking the risk management at the LZC agent firm for example, the paper establishes the system of risk level management of LZC agent firm with the help of RBS(Risk Breakdown Structure). A mathematical model is also established by applying the analytic hierarchy process, extension evaluation method and grey related theory. The paper, firstly, identifies the current risk levels through evaluation of the risks. Secondly, illustrates the corresponding strategies and methods of risk–warning management of LZC agent firm from the following three aspects: risk–avoiding strategies of agent construction enterprises; the sustainable risk managements of all levels; the sound supporting measures against the risks.The paper which research on risk-warning to the agent construction at LZC consulting firm, improve the risk management standards of LZC on the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the agent construction at LZC consulting firm, and promote the practical value of agent project management. The study provide a favourable learning for agent enterprise risk management.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】53