

Study on the Planning and Design of Plant Landscaping for Plateau-Mountain Type Park in the Loess Plateau

【作者】 张毅

【导师】 刘晖;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 我国是一个地貌形态复杂的多山国家,有着众多以山地为基地环境的景区、公园。在黄土高原地区有着广袤的山地,这些山地与城市的发展有着密切的联系。由于该地区的自然环境恶略,土地性质较差,植被资源缺乏,用地紧张,因此人们对绿色生态环境是十分向往的。随着城市的不断发展,人们更加认识到开发和利用山地进行生态建设的重要性。因此,该地区山地公园的建设就成为改善生态环境,提高居民生活质量,建立良好城市绿地系统的重点。本文以文献研究和实地调研为基础,共分为两个部分,第一部分为理论研究。首先概述了课题的研究背景和研究对象,确立了论文的前提。其次,在对黄土高原山地自然环境特征、植被分区和地形造景功能及条件进行了归纳和总结的基础上,从植物景观的特点、类型及功能三个角度对黄土高原山地型公园的植物景观要素进行了分析。以这些条件为依据,重点研究了适宜黄土高原山地公园不同地形要求、人工设施、自然景观和人文景观的植物景观设计手法。第二部分为案例研究。文章选取了黄土高原具有典型性的山地型公园,针对其植物景观的规划设计手法和特点进行分析,同时结合“子长龙虎上风景区规划设计”实际项目,将黄土高原山地型公园植物景观的设计方法进行应用,将理论与实践相结合。通过本文的研究,提出了黄土高原山地型公园植物景观规划设计的特殊性与差异性,总结出适地适生的植物景观规划设计方法,对充分做到“因地制宜”、“设计结合自然”的理论具有更好的实践指导意义。

【Abstract】 China is a mountainous country characterized by the complex landform, which has aboundant scenic spots and parks developed on the basis of mountainous geomorphology. The Loess Plateau possesses vast mountainous areas which have a close tie with the development of towns and cities. Because of bad natural conditions, poor land properties, lacking vegetation and land resources, people living in the region really want a green ecological environment in which they could enjoy life like people in other regions. With the modernization of cities, the importance of the ecological and environmental recovery and construction in the mountainous region has been recognized. Therefore, construction of the plateau-mountainous type parks in these areas have become a key issue in improvement of the ecological environment, life quality and establishing the urban green land system.Based on literature review and field investigation , the paper is divided into two parts. Part 1, as a theoretic study, firstly introduces the background and the objective of the study, determining the basis of the study. And then, based on generalizing and summary of the natural environment, vegetation division and topographic scenic function, the paper, from angles of plant landscape characteristics, type, and function, analyzes elements of plant landscape in the loess plateau-mountain type park. According to the conditions established in the above discussions, the study has put a focus on requirements on various terranes, artificial facilities, plant design approaches of the natural and humanistic landscapes which are all suitable for the loess plateau- mountain type park. Part 2 , as a case study, selected typical mountainous parks in the Loess Plateau and analyzes the plant design approaches and features of the plant landscaping. In addition, the paper practically employs the design approaches of the plant landscape in the loess plateau-mountain type park in the project of“Longhushan scenic spot in Zichang county, Shaanxi province”through the combination of theory and practice.By this study, the author brings up the peculiarity and distinction in the plant landscape design of the loess plateau-mountain park, and generalizes the suitable plant landscape design approaches, which is significant for the principles of“design on the basis of nature”and“to suit the measure to local conditions”.
