

The Study on the Design of City Mountain Park Planning

【作者】 崔莹

【导师】 董芦笛;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着现代科技、文化和工业化进程的加快,人们的生活水平得到了很大提高,满足物质需求的同时,不断开拓精神需求领域。年轻人远足跋涉、户外徒步,追逐着生命的气息,感受着年轻的步伐。而对于普通市民来说,城市公园成为了人们短时间回归自然的绝好去处。由于城市生活节奏的加快,城市化进程的发展,也带动了城市环境的发展。拓展城市绿化空间,推进立体绿化的建设。城市山体公园以立体绿化的空间形式及综合性公园的功能设施一同向人们展现了城市中不可多得的山体绿化环境。近几年来,各大城市利用城市内部或外围的自然山体,或呈带状、或是独立的山头开始营建山体公园。但往往与城市的联系不紧密,公园位置较偏,加之园内的设施、活动没有达标,导致公园的游人容量较小,没有体现城市山体公园的价值。现今,人们也开始逐步探索城市山体公园的发展道路,虽然有成功的个案,但是如何展现城市文脉,提升公园的文化内涵;加强与城市空间发展的联系,保护山体轮廓线,仍是需要长期探讨的问题。目前,对于山体公园建设与城市空间相联系和历史文脉相结合的,符合现代人需求的山体公园设计理论很匮乏,而我国各省市今年又在大量建设山体公园,面临这样的问题,我们亟需借鉴前人的工作经验,总结出适合城市山体公园未来发展建设的可实施性的理论,使山体公园能够可持续发展,真正成为市民文化活动、休闲、娱乐、健康生活的山水园林化城市公园。本文以城市山体公园与城市关系为背景,在研究城市公园规划基本理论的基础上,结合地貌学、城市设计和山地建筑、城市绿地系统等学科知识,分别从城市空间格局与山体公园布局、山体公园景点组织,城市文脉在山体公园中的继承发展这几方面进行研究分析,探索在城市山体公园规划设计中,如何引入城市空间格局的思考、塑造丰富的山体景观空间、表达城市的历史文化、地域风俗文化等城市意象,将城市的记忆在山体公园的规划设计中得以表达和延续,使得山体公园在随着城市的发展变化下可持续发展。本文的创新点主要有以下几点:1、从城市空间角度出发带给山体公园设计的启示:(1)城市空间格局与山体公园规划布局的关系(2)山体公园规划布局手法2、城市山体公园游览体系组织创新(1)基于山体特征的游览体系设计(2)结合山体脊线空间的游廊设计3、城市文脉在山体公园中的继承与表达:(1)城市山体风貌特色的展示(2)地方特色的游线组织(3)表达地域特色的建筑及其景观设计

【Abstract】 With modern technology, culture and the process of industrialization speeding up, people’s living standard has been greatly improved to meet the material needs at the sametime, and constantly the fields of spiritual needs are open up. Young people go hiking trek, outdoor walking, and take the breath of life. They keep the young pace. As for the general public, City Parks is a wonderful place for people returning to nature just for a short time. City Parks play more and more important role in the city life, acelerating pace of urban life and the development of the urbanization process. They had also led the development of the urban environment, urban green space expanding and promoting the construction of three-dimensional green. Mountain park with green space in the form three-dimensional and integrated park project with the city in give a rare show of natural ecological park environment. People not only experience the leisure travel at the same time, but also more healthy body and mind exercise. When standing at the peak to overlook the city, listing small hills, people have a better feeling of the natural scenery and modern life, the changing era.As the pace of urban life accelerated, the development of the urbanization process has also led to the development of the urban environment. Expand the urban green space, and promote the construction of three-dimensional green. City Mountain park show people the rare mountain in the green environment in three-dimensional form and function of park facilities integrated. In recent years, major cities in the internal or external use urban natural mountain, some of which are banded; some are independent to construct the mountain park. Because they are often not closely linked with the city, park locating urban, besides the park’s facilities, activities being not standard, leading to smaller capacity park visitors, the value of city parks are reflected.Currently, for how to build and urban spatial patterns and historical context associated with the combination, in line with modern needs of mountain park design theory is very scarce and a large number of provinces and cities this year in building mountain park, face this problem, we urgently need to learn from previous experience, summed up the city of mountain park for the construction of the future development of the theory can be implemented, take preventive measures, so that sustainable development of mountain park can truly become a public cultural activities, recreation, entertainment, healthy living Landscape garden city park.In this paper, urban mountain parks and urban relations background, research on urban park planning the basic theory, based on the combination of geomorphology, urban design and mountain architecture, urban green space system of subject knowledge, respectively, from the urban pattern and mountain park layout, the city Context continue in the park on the inheritance design both research and analysis, explore the city of mountain park design, how to introduce urban history and culture, local customs and cultural image of the city, the city’s memory in the mountain park planning and design to express and extension, making the park under development and changes as the city’s sustainable development.Innovation of this paper are the following:1. The city mountain park layout approach: (1) Urban spatial pattern and the mountain park planning and layout of the relationship (2) mountain park layout techniques.2. The city mountain park system of organizational innovation: (1) the tour - system design based on Characteristics of mountain(2) ridge veranda space design combined with the mountain3. Urban context inheritance and expression in the mountain park: (1) exhabiton of urban mountain Characteristics (2) the trip line structure of local characteristics (3)the architecture and landscape design Expressing the regional characteristics.

  • 【分类号】TU986.5
  • 【被引频次】9
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