

A Media Ecology Study of Wartime Chongqing

【作者】 赵婷

【导师】 张瑾;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 传播学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 国家政治中心的转移,使抗战时期成为重庆历史上最辉煌的时期。重庆的地位亦由战前的地区性文化、经济中心,一跃成为全国的政治、军事、文教、经济和金融中心,更在太平洋战争爆发后,成为了世界反法西斯战线四大名都之一。邵培仁所著《媒介生态学:媒介作为绿色生态的研究》是本文重要的理论依据,该书将报纸环境可以划分为:社会环境、媒介环境以及拟态环境,探讨媒介在不同环境范畴内的生存与发展,以及不同环境之间的互动是本文的主旨所在。社会环境是指由人类主体聚集、汇合后所形成的社会状况和条件。传播活动的参与者实际上是以个人身份同媒介环境、社会环境发生关系。社会环境的构成比较复杂,但就传播活动而言主要有四个因素:政治因素、经济因素、文化因素和讯息因素。媒介环境可以被定义为,大众传播机构在运作管理中所呈现出来的一种整体气氛,是由大众传播活动全体参与者的行为方式聚合后形成的一种习惯模式。媒介环境的构成因素分为:媒介威望,社会意识,团队精神,行为规范,求实精神等五个方面。媒介环境五大因素的指标愈向正极发展,媒介的社会效益和经济效益愈好,而媒介人员的成就感和积极性就愈高,反之就下降。在媒介环境与社会环境这种“小环境”与“大环境”之间,通过不断的传播活动,能够建构起一种媒介化的环境,也就是李普曼所谓的“拟态环境”。本文从公共领域的建构和文化主题的重建等视角对由《新华日报》引起的“拟态环境”进行探讨。抗战初期的重庆新闻界,由于知识层次的限制,报纸并没有被广大工人和农民所接受。当局对新闻采访范围的限制,以及中央社通讯被各大报纸所通用,造成了陪都报纸只为社会的“精英”阶层所接受的局面。这些“精英”们或拥有或共享大众传媒的话语权,拥有绝大多数的媒介资源,而其他低文化程度的读者们则失去了媒介话语权。这样一来,就形成了不同阶层读者的不同需求,导致了大众传播的对立与冲突。《新华日报》改变了低文化程度读者无缘于大众媒介的现状,缓和了对立与冲突,使得他们也能够拥有媒介资源,缩小了大众传播的传播差距,在一定程度上对媒介生态失衡的情况进行了调适。

【Abstract】 The transformation of national political center makes anti-war period be the most glorious time of Chongqing in its history, which promoted Chongqing as the nation’s political, military, educational and financial center, in contrast with its provincial role before it. After the pacific war erupted, Chongqing had been one of the four famous anti-fascist capitals.Theories in“Media Ecology: Study on media as green ecology”written by Shao Peiren are fundamental theoretical references for this article. Shao Peiren holds the opinion that the circumstance of newspaper consist of three different parts: social environment, media environment and Pseudo-environment. This article focus on discussing the existence and development situation of newspaper within the three circumstances which was mentioned above.Social environment is defined as social situation and condition which shaped by the assembly of human beings. The participator who involved in the communication activity is actually by itself as an individual, and then it has connection with media media environment and social environment. The elements of social environment is quite complicated, when it comes to communication activity, can be divided as political factor, economic factor, culture factor and information factor.Media environment is defined as an overall atmosphere referred to public media agencies management, and a habitual mode produced by assembly of all the public broadcasting activities. Media environment mainly comprises media prestige, social responsibility, team-work spirit, professional norms and realistic attitude. If these five factors have a positive progress, then the effect on media’s social benefit and economic benefit will be higher, meanwhile the personnel’s’sense of achievement and enthusiasm will be more.If the media environment can be considered as a smaller environment circle and social environment as a bigger environment, then a middle sized environment called“Pseudo-environment”can be established through continual broadcasting activities, which is also known by Lippmann. This chapter from the angles of public space creation and culture topic arise, discusses“Pseudo-environment”aroused by“Sin Xua Rhbao”.Owing to lack of professional knowledge, newspaper did not appeal to the public, especially peasants and common workers at the end of 1930’s. In addition, the restrictions on news gathering, and the major newspaper were common cited by local newspapers, result in the target reader group of newspaper were only within the elites. These elites either take action on owning the speaking right through mass media, or owned the vast majority of media resources, while other poor educated readers have lost the connection with the media discourse. As a result, the different needs of readers lead confrontation and conflict to the mass media.“Sin Xua Rhbao”had changed the situation by meeting the needs of un-covered readers and eased the confrontation and conflict and narrowed the distance between reader and media, so that they can share the media resources, and adjusted the situation of ecological imbalance of media ecology to a certain extent,.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期