

Design and Fabricaton of A New Mechanical-electrical-hydraulic Integration Continuously Variable System in Vehicle

【作者】 欧阳宁东

【导师】 廖强;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自动变速器的应用使车辆的驾驶操作更简化,不仅减轻了驾驶员的劳动强度,而且还能够减少因为人为因素导致的行车事故,是未来汽车市场的主流。但是自动变速器在满足以上优点的同时,还需进一步改善自身的实用性和经济性等问题。在参考各种自动变速器特点后,笔者在现有自动变速器设计思想的基础上做一些改进,探索性的尝试设计一种机电液容积调速系统,简称MHV系统。MHV系统将行星齿轮传动与液压变量泵-定量马达容积变速器有机结合,用于实现变速器无级调速的功能。它的设计思想来源于现有汽车动液式无级变速器,简称AT。AT由液力变矩器和行星轮系串联组成,其中液力变矩器原理较复杂,推广成本高,笔者考虑用液压容积调速装置取代液力变矩器,实现变速器的无级调速。MHV系统主体部分采用双排行星轮系结构,并与液压部分并联后实现输入功率的分流,最终实现输出转速和扭矩的无级变化;同时结合电子控制系统,控制档位的切换,实现无级调速。由于MHV系统是一种创新的设计尝试,无论在工作原理还是结构设计均与现有的自动变速器不同。因此在该系统设计时,无论是机械结构的设计,还是关键元件的选取,均没有现存经验可以借鉴。本文重点阐述MHV系统的工作原理、设计思路,并参照国内某自动自动档轿车的技术参数,提出具体的设计要求,严格按照机械设计手册和液压工程手册等相关工具书,对该系统的关键参数进行独立设计和计算。根据计算得到的相关数据,结合三维设计软件CATIA建立该系统中机械结构部分的三维实体模型。参照相关汽车控制系统的案例,根据轿车行驶特点,提出了控制系统方案,并结合Matlab/simulink软件建立仿真分析模型。参照国内变速器性能试验的要求,提出相关试验方案,在现有试验条件下对已加工生产出的变速箱试件进行安装调试,并进行了初步试验,为今后进一步试验和调试提供了经验和理论依据。

【Abstract】 The application of automatic transmission make the operations more streamlined for the driver, not only reduced the driver’s labor intensity, but also in reducing the traffic accidents caused by human factors, it will enter the mainstream automotive market in the future. But they have to face the issues of power and economy along with the above advantages. Reference to the different characteristics of current automatic transmissions, the writer of the paper have tried to design creatively and research a new kind of electro-hydraulic volume adjustment speed system (MHV for short).MHV system The design of its system originally from electronically controlled hydraulic mechanical automatic transmission(AT for short), which by the torque converter and planetary gear trains in series. The principle of the torque converter is complex and its cost is expensive, so they choose the volume adjustment speed devices to replace the hydraulic torque converter to achieve hydraulic stepless speed control; there are double planetary gear in the structure, parallel with the hydraulic part to achieve the power split and merge, and ultimately changing the output speed and torque; and combined with the electronic control unit,they could control the switching of each gear to achieve the stepless speed regulation.MHV system combining planetary transmission and variable hydraulic pump -motor volume transmission, for the realization of stepless speed control functions. As the MHV system is an innovative, and its design principle and the working principle are different from the existing automatic transmission. So in the process of the system design,they have no exist experience to Reference.This article focuses on Clarify the working principle, design ideas of the MHV system, and reference to domestic technical parameters, proposing specific design requirements. According with the mechanical design manual and hydraulic engineering manual and other related books, they design and calculate the key parameters of hydraulic stepless speed control system independently. According to calculated data, combined with three-dimensional design software CATIA, they established the three-dimensional solid model of the system. Reference to relevant case of vehicle control systems, combining Matlab/simulink software to establish the simulation model. Reference to the requirements of the transmission tests in domestic, they proposed pilot program. Related to the existing experimental conditions and they have finished the installation and the preliminary test, they find some experience and theoretical basis for further testing and debugging.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期