

Discuss the Chongqing Colleges and Universities Sports to "Health Chongqing" Impact

【作者】 易礼舟

【导师】 李国泰;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年,重庆市委三届三次全委会提出健康重庆、宜居重庆、畅通重庆、森林重庆、平安重庆“五大重庆”建设,其中“健康重庆”的提出是“以人为本”科学发展观最直接的体现,符合全市人民的切身利益。“健康重庆”不仅是当前重庆最大、最长远的一项民心工程,也是推进大开放、实现大发展的一项重大的战略举措。建设健康城市,是世界卫生组织(WHO)倡导的一项全球性行动战略,其根本价值在于从全面控制健康影响因素的角度应对城市化进程中出现的一系列困扰人类健康的问题。重庆市市委、市政府提出建设“健康重庆”,是立足于改善城市生产生活环境,保障人民群众身体健康,促进重庆持续健康发展的战略高度之上的。该战略决策以及重庆市市委、市政府为此而采取的种种举措,其实际意义已经远远超过“健康城市”的范畴。“健康重庆”提出的不仅仅是概念,更有诸多切实可行的任务与能够实现的目标。“健康重庆”的提出与实施,将为重庆人创造从未有过的健康生活,尽管还面临很多困难,但它确实为重庆创造了解决这些难题的机会和平台。高校是现代社会的一个缩影,校园文化有其独特性,但也与整个社会大环境密切相关,并受其所处的社会主流文化的冲击和影响。在高校与社会的“交往”过程中,高校对于传承、推动人类社会的文明发展,都起着至关重要的作用。高校教育作为教育的最终阶段,在推动学生积极性、主动性和创造性的提高以及学生健全人格的培养上意义重大,不断地为社会输送着优秀的人才,并积极参与到社会文化的建设中。体育教育本身具备着教育性,完善高校体育教育,就必须以其教育性为导向,综合开发娱乐性、创造性、健身性、强心性、竞争性、激励性等其他功能,以此实现高等体育教育的效用最大化。经受高校体育洗礼的大学生,必然将这种高素质带到健康城市建设中,并与健康城市建设同步展示,这对城市的升华起着巨大的推动作用。在建设“健康重庆”的方针政策的指引下,结合重庆市高校体育现有资源和发展潜力,重庆市高校体育也必将在“健康重庆”的建设中起到不可估量的积极作用。

【Abstract】 The 3rd Plenary Session of the 3th Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Party proposed“Five-Chongqing”programmed in 2008, it included Healthy Chongqing, Livable Chongqing, Traffic-Smooth Chongqing, Forest Chongqing, Safe Chongqing. Especially, the most direct embodiment of the“people-oriented”spirit of the Scientific Concept of Development is the proposal of the“healthy Chongqing”concept which consistent with people’s vital interests. The“Healthy Chongqing”is not only the biggest and the longest construction project corresponding to popular aspirations, but is also a major strategic of promoting the open and implementing the development. Building a healthy city is a global action strategy advocated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The basic value of consist in the perspective of the factors affecting the health in Overall Control to response a series of health problems in urbanization. The construction of the“Healthy Chongqing”is put forward by the Chongqing municipal Party and the Chongqing government have been based on the height of improvement of living environment, protection the health of the urban people and stimulation of sustainable development. The practical significance of the numerous measures based on these strategies which adopted by the Chongqing municipal Party and the Chongqing government is far beyond the category of the“Healthy Chongqing”. The“Healthy Chongqing”has tasks to achieve and objectives to fulfill more than a concept and it could create a new experience of healthy life that had never known before. Although we are still confronted with many difficulties, it really makes the chance and platform to solve these problems for Chongqing.College is the modern society in miniature and the campus culture is unique, but it also contacts with whole society related to the environment closely, and is impacted and influenced by the mainstream social culture. College plays a crucial role in promoting the development of human civilization in the process of the "contacts" between college and society. As a final stage of education, college education has a vigorous significance not only in promoting students’enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, but also in cultivating a sound personality of students. It keeps providing a great number of trained people and participates in the social and cultural development actively. Physical education possesses instructive itself. To fulfill the maximization of utility and perfect college physical education, it must developing entertain, creative, fitness, competitive, motivation and other functions based on education-oriented. The Students who baptized of college physical education are certain to bring their high quality into the construction of the healthy city and showing with it synchronously which are stimulating a distillation of the city. Guided by policy of“Healthy Chongqing”, college physical education will play an immeasurable active role in the construction of“Healthy Chongqing”combining the available resources of college physical education of with the development potential of Chongqing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期