

Study of Renewal Planning on Lohas Culture-led Existing-blocks in Chongqing

【作者】 徐嘉

【导师】 徐煜辉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 既有街区更新是城市化发展的必然,合理利用存量资产,节约城市资源是城市发展的主题。既有街区作为城市文化产生和发展的原点,是城市形象的发源地,保留其和谐的邻里关系及丰富的街区生活,不仅能够合理利用存量资产,减少土地新开发量,更能体现社会价值。重庆是一座具有3000多年历史的文明古城,在目前中国社会经济快速发展的机遇下,也出现了困扰众多城市的“千城一面”现象,使重庆城市特色文化在更新与发展的问题上受到各界关注。在这种背景下,本文在分析了乐活文化与既有街区更新的内在联系的基础上,以重庆市既有街区作为研究对象,从社会、经济、文化、空间层面分析既有街区现状特征,同时深入挖掘重庆市乐活文化资源,通过引入“乐活文化”及其“附加值”的方式,有效沟通可能影响城市既有街区更新的各方面的力量,整合物质空间,协调各方利益,对重庆既有街区的更新提出较为可行的规划策略,建立系统的更新机制,从而达到既保护既有街区原有社会网络、保护城市文化特色,又促进商业繁荣的双赢格局,引导城市良性、和谐的发展。本课题是重庆大学研究生科技创新基金项目“快速城市化进程下旧住区适应性更新策略研究”的支撑内容。论文分为四大部分七个章节:第一部分为第一章,主要论述了论文的研究背景、研究意义、研究内容、概念以及论文框架等。第二部分为第二章和第三章,是论文的基础理论研究,讨论了研究对象的内涵与内在联系,并总结了国内外相关理论研究与实践综述。第三部分为第四章至第六章,为乐活文化引导重庆市既有街区更新的实证研究:第四章首先总结了重庆的文化建设与城市更新的发展状况,分析了现阶段重庆市乐活文化资源与既有街区的现象特征,并结合案例,反思存在问题、展望发展趋势;第五章在乐活文化引导既有街区更新发展目标的基础上,提出相应的规划策略,以期能引导重庆市既有街区更新向合理的方向发展,即既能提升城市形象,又能延续城市文化、减少社会问题;第六章从空间利用、开发运作以及更新管制等三个方面,对乐活文化引导重庆市既有街区更新的发展模式进行了研究归纳和发展引导。第四部分为最后一章,即论文总结,概括了主要结论及创新之处,并对乐活文化引导重庆市既有街区更新的后续研究做出展望。

【Abstract】 The renewal of existing-blocks is the necessity of the development of urbanization. It is the core of city development of rational use of existing assets and saving city resources. As the origin of emergence and development of urban culture, the existing-blocks are the birthplace of the city image. Keeping a harmonious neighborhood and the rich street life could not only use stock assets reasonably and reducing land use, but also reflect social value.Chongqing is an ancient city of China with 3,000 years of history. Currently, in the opportunities of the rapid development of China’s social and economic, the phenomenon“All cities a face”is making the city characteristic culture slowly disappear. So the development of urban culture in Chongqing has been all attention.In the context, based on the internal relations of the Lohas culture and existing-blocks, taking Chongqing existing-blocks as the main research object, the paper analysis current characteristics of the existing-blocks from the level of social, economic, cultural and space, and dig Lohas culture resources in Chongqing. By introducing Lohas culture and its value, communicate effectively various forces of update of the existing-blocks, integrate physical space and coordinate interests of all parties. This paper attempts to put forward feasible Planning strategies for the renewal of existing-blocks in Chongqing through creating a system update mechanism in order to protect the existing social networks and urban culture to promote business prosperity and guide the harmonious development of cities.Paper contains four parts of seven chapters:The first part is the first chapter; it mainly discusses the research background, significance, content, concepts, and frameworks of the paper.The second part is the second and third chapters, it is the basic theoretical research of the paper and it discusses the study’s content and internal links, in addition, summarizes the theory and practice of domestic and foreign review.The third part is the fourth chapter to the sixth chapter; it is the empirical study that the lohas culture guides existing-blocks in Chongqing:The fourth chapter first summarizes development situation of the culture construction and the urban renewal in Chongqing, then analysis lohas culture resources and the phenomenon characteristic of existing-blocks in present stage of Chongqing, and combines the case to reflect on the problems and prospects the development tendency.In fifth chapter ,on the basic of the lohas culture guided existing-blocks ,It is corresponding planning strategies in order to lead to the renewal of existing-blocks to the reasonable direction in Chongqing, which can improve the image of the city, keep the city culture and reduce social problems.The sixth chapter summarized and guided the development model of the lohas culture guides the renewal of existing-blocks in Chongqing from three aspects that is space utilization, developing and operating and update.The fourth part is the last chapter, which is the Conclusion .It summarized the main conclusion and innovative points, and prospect follow-up study for lohas culture guides the renewal of existing-blocks in Chongqing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期