

Study on the Law and Influence Factors of Ground Movement and Deformation Due to Underground Mining

【作者】 周敏

【导师】 周小平; 王方汉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 土木工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 矿产资源的开采为国家的能源需求和原材料供给提供了有力的保障,推动了国民经济和工业现代化的快速发展,但地下开采引发的开采沉陷又反过来影响和破坏人类的生存环境,制约了经济和社会的可持续发展。开采沉陷影响的直接表现就是对地表的破坏,随着地下开采规模的不断扩大,地表移动变形问题日趋严重。虽然各级政府和组织已注重了预防与治理工作,但问题依然十分突出,最主要的原因就是开采沉陷理论不够完善,对地表移动变形的机理及规律认识不够。因此,为了最大限度的降低地下开采产生的负面影响,有必要对地下开采引起的地表移动变形规律及其影响因素进行深入研究。本文在横向课题“深部开采岩体长期稳定性和地表沉降规律研究”(编号:04207520070527)的支持下,以南京栖霞山铅锌矿为依托,采用现场观测、理论分析和数值模拟相结合进行研究。主要内容如下:①基于随机介质理论,建立了一般地表和山区地表下水平矿层开采、倾斜矿层开采的地表移动变形三维理论模型。分析了两种地表下开采引起的地表移动变形特征及主控因素的变化规律。②介绍了矿区的地表移动监测概况,并根据实测资料反分析求取了地表移动参数,建立了矿区地表移动与变形理论预测模型,系统理论地分析了矿区地表移动变形的特征,并与实测数据进行对比,表明预测效果理想。根据矿区的实际情况对开采深度、开采厚度、深厚比、开采宽度及主要影响范围角的影响规律进行了研究,为进一步开采预测和治理方案的制定提供理论依据。③根据常规三轴实验结果和现场地质调查得到岩层及充填体力学参数,采用有限差分软件FLAC3D建立了矿山三维数值模型,动态模拟了地下开采过程中地表位移场变化,并将计算结果与实测资料、随机介质理论预测结果进行对比综合分析。结果表明,结合随机介质理论和数值模拟综合分析能较理想的预测地表的移动与变形。④将反分析、随机介质理论模型和FLAC3D数值模拟结合,研究了充填体弹性模量、泊松比、内摩擦角及粘聚力对地表移动的影响。研究结果表明:弹性模量的影响最大,其次是内摩擦角,而泊松比和粘聚力影响很小。结论为矿区充填体力学参数设计和优化提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 Exploiting the mine resources could guarantee the energy and material demands of the country, promoting the development of the country economy and the modern industry. But the mining subsidence resulting from the underground mining on the other hand has an adverse impact on human living environment, restricting the sustainable development of the economy and the society. The direct impact of the mining subsidence is ruining the ground surface. With the increase of the mining scale, the ground movement and deformation becomes worse. Although all levels of government and organizations have pay much attention on prevention and treatment, the issue has yet to be solved. The main reason is that the theory for mining subsidence is not complete and the mechanism and the regularity of ground movement and deformation are still unclear. Therefore, understanding the movement and deformation of the ground surface as well as its influence factors is a must so as to reduce the adverse impacts of the underground mining.This work is supported by the project“Long-term stability of rock and law of surface subsidence inducing by the deep exploitation”(No. 04207520070527) from najing qixiashan deposit, combing the field observation, theoretical analysis, and numerical simulations. The main conclusions are summarized as follows:①The three-dimensional models for the ground movement and deformation are established based on the stochastic medium theory for different exploiting conditions. The movement and deformation of ground surface for two different conditions are investigated.②The ground surface displacement monitoring of mining areas is introduced briefly. Based on the back analysis of the data, the parameters for the ground movement are obtained, and the prediction models are established. The models are validated by comparing the predictive results with the measured data. Based on the real situation, the impacts of mining depth, mining thickness, depth-thickness-ratio, main influencing angle, mining width are investigated, providing the guidelines for the treatment.③General triaxial tests and field geological survey are performed to obtain the mechanical parameters for rock stratum and filling body. The three dimensional models are established based on the finite difference software FLAC3D, with which the variation of the displacement for the conventional mining and back filling mining are predicted. The simulation results, theoretically predictive results, and the measured results are compared, and it is revealed that random medium theory and numerical simulation can well predict the movement of ground surface.④The impacts on ground movement of elastic modulus of filling body, passion ratio, internal friction angle and cohesive forces are investigated by combing the back analysis, stochastic medium theory and numerical simulations. It is shown from numerical results that: the impacts of elastic modulus is greatest, followed by internal friction angle, the cohesive forces and passion ratio have little impact. The results providing the scientific basis for designing and optimizing the parameters of the filling body .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期