

Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Water Lubricated Rubber Alloy Bearing

【作者】 刘静

【导师】 王家序;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水润滑橡胶合金轴承,是一种能减振、降噪耐磨的特种轴承,由于采用水作润滑剂和橡胶合金材料特殊的物理化学性质,具有了良好的润滑特性和独特的资源节约与环境友好优势,在水下工作环境得到了广泛的使用。随着石油、贵重金属材料价格的上涨及环境的日益恶化,基于资源节约和环境友好的创新设计理论、方法和技术,越来越受到人们的重视。通过轴承动态特性的振动研究,对其进行分析、控制和优化,掌握其结构、材料参数对其运行品质的影响,具有很重要的理论意义和实际价值;为此,本文在参考国内外关于水润滑橡胶轴承研究的重要文献的基础上,应用有限元分析软件对水润滑橡胶合金轴承进行了振动和噪声分析,并给出了水润滑橡胶合金轴承减振降噪的方法。具体研究内容概括如下:①介绍了水润滑橡胶合金轴承研究现状和发展趋势,从Reddy理论出发,对其振动方程进行了理论推导,为轴承振动分析提供了理论基础。②建立了水润滑橡胶合金轴承三维实体模型并对各部件划分网格,得到其有限元模型后对其进行模态分析,讨论了橡胶和铜管对模态的影响。③对轴承进行了谐响应分析和瞬态响应分析,对水润滑橡胶合金轴承铜套、结合面和橡胶层分别进行了分析研究,得到轴承的响应特性和规律。④改变轴承的材料参数和结构参数对轴承进行固有频率和应力分析,通过对比得到轴承的降振措施,从而为优化轴承结构,改善轴承运行性能和提高轴承的寿命提供工程参考。⑤利用复特征值理论,对水润滑橡胶合金轴承系统进行了噪声分析,讨论了水润滑橡胶合金轴承不同结构参数对噪声的影响,提出了通过改变其结构参数降低噪声的方法。本文内容得到国家自然科学基金面上项目“大尺寸高比压水润滑橡胶合金轴承的创新设计理论与方法”(项目编号:50775230)的资助,拟通过上述研究对水润滑橡胶合金轴承的振动特性和噪声研究方法提供新的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Water lubricated rubber alloy bearing is one kind of special bearing, which can suppress the vibration, reduce noise, and have wear-resisting property, for the use of water as a lubricant and the special physical and chemical properties of rubber, it has good lubricating properties with the unique advantages of resource saving and environment-friendly property, and it is widely used in the underwater environment. People have pay more and more attention to the innovative design theory, methods and technology, with the oil,precious metal prices goes up and the deteriorating of the environment. By the study the dynamics characteristic of the bearing, including the vibration and noise analysis, we can master the influence the bearing structure and material parameters on the quality of its working, which has important theoretical and practical value. Haven read many important documents on this kind of bearing, the author used finite element analysis software to analyze the vibration and noise of the bearing, and have pointed out the methods for vibration and noise reduction.①Introduced the study of water lubricated rubber alloy bearing status and development trend, from shell theory of Reddy, the vibration control equation of the bearing has been derived, which have provides a theoretical basis for the bearing vibration analysis.②The three-dimensional geometric model and finite element model of the bearing have been constructed, based on the modal shape, the influence of the bearing copper shell and inner rubber on the Modal shape are discussed.③The steady dynamic response and transient response of the bearing are analyzed, by the analysis of the shell copper the inner rubber and the combined layer respectively, the characters of the bearing response are discovered.④By changing the bearing material and structural parameters ,the bearing steady-state response and transient response have been attained , by which the vibration reduction measures has been proposed.⑤Using complex eigenvalue theory ,The influence of the structure of the bearing is studied, and the noise reduction measures have been proposed.This research is funded by the State Natural Sciences Foundation General Projects:“Innovative design theory and method of water lubricated bearing system with large size and high specific pressure(Number:50775230).The paper will provide a reference for study the noise and vibration of water lubricated rubber alloy bearing.

【关键词】 水润滑橡胶合金轴承模态振动噪声
【Key words】 Water lubricatedRubber alloy bearingModeVibrationNoise
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期