

The Musical Story of Nanjing Gan’s House

【作者】 张鸾

【导师】 薛艺兵;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 十朝古都的南京秦楚王气、南朝烟雨。无论你是走在秦淮河畔还是徜徉于莫愁湖边都会被这座千年古城的魅力的所感动。自古,金陵城就是文人汇聚之地,不少文人都将他们游览金陵之感记录于笔下。随着现代文明的发展,南京成为了一个现代化的大都市。我们除了感触这个时代带给我们的震撼外也不能忘怀那些传统文化赋予我们的深思。所以,追忆一些已经逝去了的文化产业成了现代学者们的一项重要工作。1982年,南京市文物部门在全市的文物普查活动中发现了一片古建筑群,经过五、六年的抢修,这片建于清代嘉靖年间的老宅再次展现出了它昔日的光彩。本文对甘家大院自建立到藏身于市井之中最后再以全新的面貌展现在人们面前这一系列发展过程进行了阐述,希望通过这一系列的研究和探索工作能够详细地描述出一所宅第是如何从一个小村人家发展成一个“文化世家”和“音乐世家”的历程。从而让人们可以更加详细地了解那些潜藏在城市中的已经逝去了的传统民族音乐的发展历程。全文共分为五个部分,包括有:第一章绪论、第二章南京甘家大院的建立及音乐文化概览、第三章的甘家大院的音乐记事、第四章甘家大院的人类学解释、最后是结语。在这五个部分中,第二、三、四章是重点,全面阐释了甘家大院是如何建立又是如何发展它的艺术之路的过程。南京甘家大院作为一个以经商起家的富家宅院,主人的文化艺术才能和社会影响力却不是一般的商业家族可比的。她带给我们的不仅仅是一种全新的音乐发展模式更是去告诉我们,音乐是如何与人完美结合的。

【Abstract】 Nanjing, as the capital of ten dynasties, gives birth to the poetic grace. The city always attracts people who taste the quintessence of its culture and history carefully. Since ancient times,Jingling city was the place of writers and poets that gathered. With the high development of the economy、politics and culture, Nanjing has became an modern city. When we amazed at the city’s development, we never forget thinking of some traditional culture. So remembering of the cultural property is an important thing that scholars will do. In 1982, Nanjing’s government decided to restore the old house. After five or six years repair, the old house that built in Jiajing years show its former glory again.My papers aims at telling people the house how to develop and how to become a“culture family”、“music family”, and telling people its history of traditional music . The paper contains five chapters: ChapterⅠintroduction, ChapterⅡthe building of Nanjing Gan’s house and musical culture survey, ChapterⅢmusical notes of Gan’s house, ChapterⅢanthropology expiation of Gan’s house. The last is conclusion. In these chapters, the chapterⅡ,Ⅲ,Ⅲare the main points, which explain the Gan’s house how to build and how to develop its music . Although Gan’s family develop their house through business, their master’s art talent was very high. Music of Gan’s house brings people an new music form and combines music and people perfectly.

【关键词】 宅第音乐家乐文人乐社
【Key words】 the music of housefamily musicmusic club