

Research on Starter/Generator for Variable Frequency Power System Based on Brushless Excitation Synchronous Machine

【作者】 李亚楠

【导师】 周波;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 变速变频电源是今后飞机电源的主要发展方向之一,由于取消了恒速装置,可以方便的实现起动/发电双功能,从而减小了飞机重量和成本,提高了效率;三级式同步电机作为目前航空领域使用最广泛的发电机,应用到变频电源起动/发电系统中具有改动小、风险小、周期短的优点。因此本文致力于对三级式同步电机变频起动/发电系统控制的研究。本文首先介绍了三级式同步电机的发电调压原理和起动励磁原理,之后根据定子轴系下的数学方程建立了定子轴系下的同步电机模型,并进而搭建出三级式同步电机的仿真模型,在此基础上完成三级式同步电机变频起动/发电系统的仿真模型,对其运行特性进行了仿真分析。起动/发电控制是本文的主要研究内容。在起动控制研究部分,首先说明采用三相六拍控制法作为三级式同步电机的起动控制方法的原因,之后分析解释了电励磁同步正弦波电机采用三相六拍控制法产生励磁电流突变的原因,并提出了抑制突变的两种斩波方法。在发电调压控制部分,指出变速变频电源系统采用恒速恒频电源系统的调压控制结构依然有效,可通过仿真得到验证。最后,本文介绍了基于DSP和CPLD的三级式同步电机变频电源起动/发电系统的软硬件设计,并在实验系统平台上进行相关实验,结果表明起动/发电控制方法的正确性和有效性,验证了三级式同步电机变频电源起动/发电系统方案的可行性。

【Abstract】 Conventional aircraft power system is a constant-frequency (CF) supply based on mechanical-regulated constant-speed mechanism that has relatively low efficiency. Replacing the CF system with variable-frequency (VF) power will improve overall efficiency, and reduce the system’s weight and volume. Novel VF-power architecture will likely combine the main engine starting functions with the electric power generation. For this purpose, this thesis focuses on the study and implementation of the digital control for the aircraft Starter/Generator basd on the Brushless Excitation Synchronous Machines (BESM).Firstly, the working principles of BESM in starting and generating mode are presented, and then the model of BESM in stator reference frame is given briefly. The simulation model of the Starter/Generator system based on BESM is constructed in MATLAB. The operational characteristics of starting, switching, generating process are analyzed.Furthermore, the control strategies for BESM are proposed. Three-phase-six-state control strategy is adopted for the BESM in starting mode. To solve the mutation problems of the excitation current, two chopping ways to inhibit the mutation are proposed. Besides, a multi-loop voltage control scheme is used in generating mode. The selection methods of PI parameters for the control loops are also discussed.Finally, the design of hardware and software controller based on DSP + CPLD is introduced in details. Numerous experiments results are given in order to illustrate the efficiency of the control strategy and the structure of the system.
