

On the Middle Layer and Food Safety Supervision under the Perspective of Economic Law

【作者】 胡巧云

【导师】 吴建依;

【作者基本信息】 宁波大学 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来重大食品安全事件的层出不穷,不断拷问着我国食品安全监管体制的效能。在传统食品安全监管模式下,政府作为单一监管主体,尽管在体制上不断加以改革、完善,但始终未能形成一道食品安全保障网。而以民间性、非营利性、自主性为特征的社会中间层组织在中国的成长和发育,是实现政府和企业、公民之间良性互动的有效路径,也是实现政府治理向公共治理转型的主体要素之一。将社会中间层组织引入到食品安全监管体制,纳入经济法调整范围,使其成为食品安全监管主体之一,从食品生产的源头上对生产企业与个人加以规制与引导,实现食品生产企业自律、服务引导食品生产企业,为食品安全生产筑好第一张网,无论是理论层面还是实践层面都是切实可行且卓有成效的。然而由于我国政治制度、法律制度滞后于社会发展、民主需求,社会中间层组织成长发育的不良环境为其有效参与食品安全监管带来了体制障碍与合法性问题。社会中间层组织的发展困境亟需作为时代回应——经济法的扶持与规制,通过经济立法明确社会中间层组织的法律地位,授予其相关的监管权,充分发挥社会中间层组织的各项经济执法职能,进而完善我国食品安全监管制度。全文共分为三个部分:第一部分,以经济法学为视角,结合管理学与经济学等学科的原理和研究成果,对我国食品安全监管体制、社会中间层法理分析以及社会中间层组织参与食品安全的理论基础进行阐述。第二部分,以实证分析为依托,通过对上海、宁波等地多家社会中间层组织的重点调研考察,总结出社会中间层组织参与食品安全监管发挥的功效与存在的不足。第三部分,回归到经济法视野下,结合实证分析,从确立社会中间层组织的经济法主体地位、促进社会中间层组织的经济立法与保障社会中间层组织的经济执法职能的实现这三个方面提出优化社会中间层组织参与食品安全监管的机制构建。

【Abstract】 An endless stream of major food safety incidents continues to torture the effectiveness of food safety supervision system in china. Under the traditional food safety supervision model, the government is the single supervision body. Though china has continued to reform and improve in system, it is still not able to form a food safety net. With the growth and development of The Middle Layer characterized by nongovernmental and nonprofit features and also autonomy, it not only makes a path for the effective interaction between the government, enterprises and citizens, but also becomes one of the main elements which implement the transition under government governance to Public Administration. China introduce The Middle Layer to the food safety regulatory system and include it into the adjustment range of Economic Law, making it one of main food safety regulatory bodies, and regulate and guide the production enterprises and individuals under the source of food production to achieve the self-control of the food production enterprises, service being their guidance and building the first net for the food safety production. This can be feasible and effective in both theoretical and practice levels. However, due to China’s political system and legal system lags behind in social development and democracy needs, poor growth and development environment brings The Middle Layer system obstacles and legality in the effective participation in food safety supervision. The development plight of The Middle Layer urgently need the support and regulation of the time respond Law——Economic Law, specifically through the social economic legislation, thus clearing the legal status of The Middle Layer, recognizing the effectiveness of its members, giving full play of its key Economic Law enforcement functions, and finally to make The Middle Layer play its role in food safety supervision effectively. This paper consists of three parts:The first part, under the perspective of Economic Law, this article combine discipline theories, such as jurisprudence, sociology, management and economics with other scientific researches and describe the theoretical basis of food safety regulatory system in China, legal character of The Middle Layer, and The Middle Layer involved in the food safety.In the second part, on the basis of the empirical analysis, through the key research study of The Middle Layer organizations in Shanghai, Ningbo and other places, And conclude the functions and shortcomings in the food safety supervision. Finally, return to the perspective of Economic Law, combine empirical analysis, and optimize the food safety regulatory mechanism of The Middle Layer organizations under three aspects: the establishment of The Middle Layer organization’s dominant position in Economic Law, the promotion of its economic legislation, and the achievement of its Economic Law enforcement functions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 宁波大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期