

The Forming Mechanism of Effective Reservoirs of Es3-4 in Duzhai-qiaokou Area of Dongpu Depression

【作者】 王国娜

【导师】 张世奇;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以东濮凹陷杜寨-桥口地区Es3-4深部储层为研究对象,以取心井岩心观察、描述与铸体薄片分析为主要手段,并利用收集到的压汞、物性等数据,结合前人研究成果,在区域地质背景分析基础上,对杜寨-桥口地区深层油气储层展开深部储层发育特征、有效性储层确定、影响因素和形成机理的综合研究。杜寨-桥口深部储层具有以下特点:(1)长石砂岩、亚长石砂岩为主要岩石类型,储集空间类型以次生溶蚀孔隙为主要类型,溶蚀对象主要为碳酸盐岩和长石;(2)进入中成岩A期,成岩环境经历弱酸性-碱性、酸性的转变,经多期成岩作用改造,受到油气充注和异常超压影响大;(3)物性总体属于低孔-低渗型,在纵向上具有分带性。通过不同方法求取和验证有效物性下限值,认为研究区有效孔隙度下限为7.25%7.65%,有效渗透率下限值为0.1120.126×10-3μm2,由此确定纵向上四个有效储层发育带,深度范围分别为:33003900米、40004250米、43504550米、>4800米,并结合成岩作用和成岩序列以及油气充注史和异常超压发育史,进行了有效孔隙原生孔隙形成→原生孔隙减小→次生孔隙形成→次生孔隙减小→高压保存前期孔隙的演化分析。有效储层是成岩作用的直接产物,但是研究区原始沉积组分、烃类充注及异常超压是影响有效储层发育的重要因素,三者共同影响有效储层的形成。湖底扇中扇辨状水道和轴向重力流水道砂体及大段砂岩或砂岩比例较大的砂泥岩互层物性较好。含油饱和度与储层物性的发育呈正比关系,且含油砂岩胶结物含量普遍低于不含油砂岩,说明烃类充注一方面提高了储层内的溶蚀率,另一方面抑制了胶结作用的进行。异常超压则扩大了烃类生成的生油窗,有利于前期孔隙的保存。在明确成岩演化和影响因素的基础上,确立研究区有效储层发育的主要机理为:有机酸-碳酸溶蚀、异常超压保存-改善、热循环对流溶蚀和深部异常超压裂缝。

【Abstract】 With the observation and description of the core and casting thin section as the main means, and using the collected date about mercury injection, petrophysical property and others, the thesis researched the deep reservoir of Es3-4 in duzhai-qiaokou area, which is also combined with previous research achievements. A comprehensive research including reservoir development characteristics, the identifion of effective reservoir, influencing factors and the forming mechanism were are out, all of which are based on the analysis of regional geological background.The deep reservoir in duzhai-qiaokou area has the following characteristics: (1) arcose and subarkose are the main sadstone style, the secondary emposieu is the main reservoir space, carbonate cement and feldspath are the main material which are dissolved; (2)The diagenetic has been Into the middle diagenetic A period.The diagenetic environment experienced the change from weak-acid-alkaline to caidic. The reservoir was reconducted by multi-phase diagenetic, and it is especially affected by hydrocarbon filling and abnormal overpressure; (3) petrophysical property belongs to the low porosity-permeability type, with the vertical zonation.The limit of the effective properties is achieved by different methods.It is recognized that the limit of effective drainage and permeability porosity is 7.25%7.65%, 0.1120.126×10-3μm2,from which four effective reservoirs are identified, with depth ranges:33003900meters, 40004250meters, 43504550meters,>4800 meters. The evolution of the pore which includes: primary pore formatted→Primary porosity shrink→secondary pore formatted→secondary porosity shrink→residual pore is researched combined with the study of the sequence of diagenesis, the development of hydrocarbon filling and abnormal overpressure.Effective reservoir is the direct production of diagenesis, also affected by the original sedimentary composition, hydrocarbon filling and abnormal overpressure , it is also the comprenhensive effect of these factors. It is recognized that the petrophysical property of braid channel in middle sublacustrine fan,large segment of sand or a larger proportion of sand in Sand-shale Inter bedding are better.The petrophysical property is proportional to the oilsaturation, and the cementing material in oil sandstone is lower than that in oil-free sandstone.These show that the hydrocarbon filling increases the corrosion rate,meanwhile, it also inhibits the conduct of cementation.Abnormal pressure expands the oil-generating window, which conducives to the preservation of porosity inadvance.On the base of making a clear definition of the evolution and influential factors ofthe diagenesis, mechanism of effective reservoir developing in the study area is established which includes organic acid-carbonic acid corrosion, the pore saved by abnormal overpressure and reworked by thermal cycled fluid ,convection and micro-fracture caused by abnormal overpressure in deep reservoir.
