

Detailed Study of Putaohua Layer in Maoxing Area

【作者】 白静

【导师】 钟建华;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地质学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 葡萄花油层是茂兴地区的主力产油层之一,在油气勘探过程中获得了巨大突破,其巨大的潜力有待进一步勘探挖掘。以构造地质学、石油地质学、沉积学和层序地层学为指导,综合应用区域地质资料、地震资料、测井资料、岩心资料及前人的研究成果,对研究区进行了构造解释,分析了构造特征,结合砂体展布特征、油水分布特征及沉积相展布特征对研究区葡萄花油层进行了成藏模式研究。以高分辨率三维地震资料为基础,层位和断层的精细解释技术,对研究区进行了构造精细解释,完成了茂兴地区葡萄花油层顶面构造图。通过对三维地震精细解释成果的分析,认为研究区的断层较发育,但是断层规模较小,基本上为南北向和东西向的正断层,断层断面较陡,断层剖面形态主要有板式、铲式两种,形成了阶梯状断层组合、“Y”字形断层组合、地堑与地垒组合。通过对构造演化分析认为,研究区断层主要形成于三个时期,主要为青山口沉积时期,而姚家组和嫩江组沉积时期发育的断层较少。综合利用岩心、测井和地震资料,分析了葡萄花油层的层序地层和沉积特征,将葡萄花油层划分为3个中期旋回,以中期旋回为地层对比单元,进行了地层对比,建立了研究区的层序地层格架,在地层划分的基础上,进行了沉积特征的分析,分析认为葡萄花油层是在水进背景下形成的三角洲前缘亚相沉积,沉积时为水进期,湖面扩张,水体变深,在北部和西部物源控制下,沉积了三角洲前缘和滨浅湖亚相,相序完整,形成一个完整的向上变细的正旋回。三角洲前缘亚相可划分为水下分流河道、河口坝、席状砂、水下分流间湾和水下决口扇五种微相。在分析研究区的成藏条件和油气藏类型的基础上,利用构造解释的成果,结合砂体展布特征、沉积相展布特征、油水分布特征,对研究区的成藏模式进行了研究。

【Abstract】 Pupaohua oil layer is one of the main producting layers in Maoxing area, and great breakthroughs have been made on it during the exploration process. It has great potential for further exploration. The thesis is guided by structural geology, petroleum geology, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, synthetically utlizing regional geological data, seismic data, logging data, core data as well as the research achievements of former researchers, and the thesis makes tectonic explanation. Besides, combined with the distribution features of sand bodies, oil-water distribution features and sedimentary facies distribution features, the thesis analyses the structural characteristics and predicts the effective zones of Pupaohua oil layer.The interpretation is based on high definition 3-D seismic data. With the help of section interpretation and fault interpretation, the thesis has completed the map of top structure of Putaohua oil layer. Through the analysis of 3-D seismic interpretaion, faults were well developed in the target area. However the faults are small in size, and most of them are south-north and east-west normal faults with steep fault plane. The morphologies of fault plane are basically plate and shovel, which formed the step faults and Y faults combination and graben and horst combination. The faults in the target area were formed mainly in three periods, in which most faults form dure Qingshankou depositional period, while faults develop in Yaojia and Nenjiang periods were relatively less.After synthetically utlizing core, logging and seismic data and analysing the sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary characteristics of Putaohua oil layer, the thesis then divides the Putaohua oil layer into three middle-term stratigraphic base level circles. The research uses middle-term stratigraphic base level circle as stratigraphic correlation unit to correlate formations, then sets up layer sequence stratigraphic framework of th research area. On the basis of stratigraphic division, the thesis analyses sedimentary characteristics of Putaohua oil layer, which is the delta front facies formed in transient regression of the whole transgression setting. During the depositional stage the lake expansed, and the water deepened, the research area deposited delta front subfacies and offshore-shallow lake subfacies, which is an integrated sequence with an entire fining-upward sequence. The delta front subfacies can be further divided into five microfacies:underwater distributary channel, mouth bar, sand sheet, underwater distributary between bay and underwater crevasse-splays.On the basis of the analysis of the accumulation conditions and reservoir types of the research area, the thesis uses the achievements of structural explanation and seismic oil and gas detective techonologies, uniting with sandbodies distribution features, sedimentary facies distribution features, oil-water distribution features and trap conditions, then studied Reservoiring Pattern in Maoxing area.
