

Study on Several Problems of the Tourism Passenger Transportation Station Design

【作者】 尹建坤

【导师】 张三省;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,旅游业发展迅速,促进了旅游交通的发展,旅游专用公路建设突飞猛进,客车档次逐步提高,但作为旅游公路交通三要素之一的旅游汽车客运站的发展却相对滞后,制约了旅游景区的发展和人们的旅游出行。且目前旅游汽车客运站的设计规范尚未出台,旅游汽车客运站虽然属于汽车客运站范畴,但在建设要求等方面还是存在一些差别,沿用普通汽车客运站的设计标准在其规模设计和设施设备配置方面都不太合理。本文首先分析了旅游汽车客运站与旅游交通及旅游交通规划的关系,指出了旅游汽车客运站设计在功能定位、指标预测、规模参数的选取、设施设备的配置四个方面与普通汽车客运站的不同,对旅游汽车客运站提出了五个“中心”的定位,结合旅游业和旅游客运的特点,选取旅游旺季平均日旅客发送量作为预测指标,并提出在预测时首先要进行旅游景区容量的测算,同时,对旅游交通预测思路和预测方法进行了详细的阐述。在旅游汽车客运站的规模设计中,参照普通汽车客运站的设计标准,并借鉴高速公路服务区、公交站场、地铁站、旅游服务设施及停车场的设计规范,对生产规模指标和设施规模指标参数进行了调整,对设施规模通过定性分析和定量计算相结合的方法进行了量化,并对设施配置原则和建设要求作了分析与阐述,给出了旅游汽车客运站设备配置的原则和要求。最后通过某旅游汽车客运站的设计实例,验证了本论文的理论。本论文总结归纳出旅游汽车客运站场设计的标准,旨在为旅游汽车客运站的设计、建设和运营决策提供理论和实践参考。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the tourism has been developing rapidly, it promotes the development of the tourism traffic, the construction of specific highway for tourism by leaps and bounds, the grade of bus gradually improved, but the tourism passenger transportation station as one of the three elements of tourism road traffic developed laggingly, it constraints the development of tourism area and people’s travel demands. Moreover, the design specifications of the tourism passenger transportation station have not yet introduced, although the tourism passenger transportation station belongs to the normal passenger transportation station, there are still some differences between them in several aspects such as construction request, the use of normal passenger transportation station design standards has not been very reasonable in its scale design and the facilities and equipment configuration.This thesis analysis the relations between tourism passenger transportation station and the tourism traffic and tourism traffic planning firstly, point out that the differences in design between the tourism passenger transportation station and the normal passenger transportation station in the function location, indication forecast, the selection of the scale parameters and the facilities and equipment configuration, derive five“center”location toward tourism passenger transportation station, combine tourism industry and tourism passenger transportation select the amount of average day send passenger in the peak tourism season as the forecast indication, and derive that it must forecast the tourism capacity firstly before the normal forecast, at the same time, elaborate the forecast ideas and methods. In the scale design of the tourism passenger transportation station, refer to normal passenger transportation station design standards, and refer to design standards of the highway service areas, public traffic stations, subway stations, tourism service facilities and parking lot, adjust some production scale parameters and facilities scale parameters, qualify the facilities scale by combination the qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation, and analysis and elaborate the principles of facilities configuration and building requirements, provide the principles and requirements in equipment configuration of the tourism passenger transportation station. Finally, by the example of the design of a tourism passenger transportation station, confirm the theory of this thesis.This thesis summarize the design standard of tourism passenger transportation station, intended to provide the theory and practice of reference in design, construction and operation of tourism passenger transportation station.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期