

Expanding Research of Robot-Arm Remote Control System Based on Internet

【作者】 周海燕

【导师】 丛爽;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 系统工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的飞速发展,互联网技术和机器人技术相结合已成了一个重要的研究方向,于是基于Internet的机器人远程控制的概念被提出。基于Internet的机器人远程控制技术的分类有多种,最常用的就是根据伺服控制技术对其进行分类,可以分为基于Internet-PC和基于Internet-DSP两种机器人远程控制系统。本论文即围绕这两种机器人远程控制平台,以一个二自由度串联机械臂为被控对象,进行了相关的软件平台的开发以及控制策略的设计改进,主要内容可以归纳如下:全文共分五章。第一章为绪论,主要介绍网络远程控制系统的概念及其发展历程,并介绍网络远程控制系统的分类情况以及技术关键点。同时,在介绍网络远程控制技术研究现状的基础上,简单介绍了本论文的研究基础和研究内容。第二章主要开发了基于Internet-PC的机械臂网络远程控制系统平台。为了对机械臂系统进行建模研究,以便在已知模型的基础上,可以在不同的应用场合在系统中设计运用不同的运动控制器从而达到较理想的控制效果,有必要开发出不使用DSP运动控制板的机械臂远程控制系统平台。本章主要阐述该系统的硬件和软件结构设计,着重对比分析该平台软件实现上与魏子翔师兄开发出的基于Internet-DSP的机械臂网络远程控制平台的不同之处,并在此基础上进行实际绘图实验研究,并对实验结果进行分析。第三章实现了基于Internet-PC的机械臂远程控制系统的连续轨迹控制。针对点位控制模式下,机械臂总是走走停停导致系统的时间性能降低,以及系统的机械磨损增加的问题,本章首先从类结构分析出该系统平台的规划器类缺乏的连续轨迹规划功能,对运动轨迹进行梯形连续轨迹规划,从而控制机械臂只在起始点加速,最终点减速,中间点均保持匀速运动。第四章主要实现了基于Internet-DSP的机械臂远程控制系统的连续轨迹控制。在魏子翔师兄开发出的基于Internet-DSP的机械臂远程控制平台基础上,考虑网络延时,计算调用DSP中连续轨迹控制函数时所需要设置的参数(圆弧插补和直线插补),最后进行实际绘图实验,并对结果进行分析。第五章对本论文的创新之处和研究结论进行了归纳总结,并对下一步研究的内容和方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 With rapid development of Internet, the integration of Internet technology and robot technology becomes an important research direction, so robot remote control based on Internet has been put forward. The Internet-based robot remote control technology can be classified in several methods, and is divided into Internet-PC-based and Internet-DSP-based two kinds of robots remote control systems according to different servo control technologies. With a two-freedom-degree robot arm as the controlled object, the expanding research on the two kinds of robot systems is done, and the main contents can be summarized as follows:The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the concept of Internet-based remote control system and its development process, classification and technical issues. Meanwhile, the research foundation and the research content of this thesis are introduced.Chapter two develops the Internet-PC-based robot arm remote control platform. In order to model the robot arm system so as to design different motion controller in different application conditions, it is necessary to develop of robot arm remote control platform which don’t have DSP motion control panel. This chapter mainly expounds the hardware and software structure of the system, focusing on the comparative analysis between its software implementation and the Internet-DSP-based robot arm of remote control platform’s software implementation (Wei ZiXiang developed). At last, actual drawing experiment is carried out and the experimental results are analyzed.Chapter three realizes the continuous path control trajectory in the Internet-PC-based robot arm remote control system. Under the point-to-point control mode, the robot arm always stop-and-go, the time performance of the system was reduced and mechanical wear was increased. In order to resolve the problem, Trapezoidal trajectory planning is applied to the path after finding that continuous path trajectory planning is lacked in Internet-PC robot arm remote control system analyzed from aspects of class structure, which can control the robot arm accelerates only at the beginning point, decelerate only at the final point, and keep constant speed all over the intermediate point.Chapter four realizes the continuous path control in Internet-DSP-based robot arm remote control system. Take the network-delay into consideration, all the parameters (circle interpolation and linear interpolation) which are need to set when realizing the continuous path control function using DSP are calculated. At last, the actual drawing experiment is carried and the results are analyzed.Chapter 5 summarizes the research achievement of this thesis and points out the content and direction of further research.
