

Sedimentary Characteristics and Three Dimensional Geological Modeling of Qikou18-1 Oil Field Turbidite

【作者】 石磊

【导师】 邵先杰;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 渤海湾盆地岐口18-1油田勘探开发近20年,长期以来一直认为研究区沉积环境是扇三角洲,本次研究后认为是比较典型的浊积岩沉积体系。浊积岩油藏往往具有良好的生、储、盖组合,油气充满度高等特点,一直是国内外油气勘探和开发的重要领域。在我国中、新生代陆相含油气盆地中,广泛分布着以各类浊积岩砂体为主要储集体并且储量颇丰的砂岩岩性油气藏。由于浊积岩砂体横向变化大、多期叠置、砂泥岩薄互层交替出现、成因复杂,沉积规模及砂体的分布规律较难掌握,是我国目前在老油区寻找隐蔽性油藏的重要目标。本文以岐口18-1油田沙二段为研究对象,从岩心观察入手,以沉积学和层序地层学为基础理论,综合运用地震资料、测井资料和岩石化验分析资料,建立了整个沙二段完整的层序地层格架。通过对研究区岩石类型、粒度特征、沉积构造特征以及地震相特征的详细研究,认为研究区浊积岩类型属于同沉积断层控制的断阶式滑塌浊积岩。岩石类型为岩屑质长石砂岩,粒度概率曲线以弧形和跳跃-悬浮夹过渡三段式为主。沉积构造可见典型的鲍马序列、递变粒序及各种底层面构造,整体具有明显正韵律和旋回性等特点。根据其沉积特征,将浊积岩扇体划分为内扇、中扇和外扇三个亚相。揭示了该类型浊积岩的成因机制、砂体的展布规律、沉积体系的演化规律等,并建立了断阶式滑塌浊积岩的沉积模式。针对岐口18-1油田断阶式滑塌浊积岩的沉积特点,借助Petrel地质建模软件,建立了三维地质模型。从三维空间上表征了油藏的整体构造、砂体展布范围和规模以及储层参数(孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度等)展布规律,对油田下一步开发具有重要的指导性的意义。

【Abstract】 Qikou 18-1 oil field of Bohai Bay Basin, exploration and development of nearly 20 years. The reservoir deposition system has long been considered as delta, it’s a typical fault step-style slump turbidite after this study.Turbidity sandstone reservoirs has been all important field of hydrocarbon exploration and development in the basins all over the world, as well as in China, because of the good association of source-reservoir-cap in assemblage and high fullness degree of oil and gas. There are sandstone lithologic pools in all types of turbidite sand as the main and reserves rich in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic non-marine oil-bearing basin. Turbidite sandbody with many features, such as large lateral variation, multi-period stacking, thin layer of sand and shale alternating, causes of complex, deposition scale and distribution of sand bodies is more difficult to master, currently,it is the important target to find hidden reservoir in old oil field of China.In this paper, Qikou 18-1 Oilfield Es2 as the research object, starting from the core observation, based on sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology, combined with the data of seismic data, logging data and laboratory test analysis of rock data, a complete sequence stratigraphical framework is established for the whole Es2. Through the particular description of rock type, granularity features, characteristics of sedimentary structures and seismic facies, that the turbidities’type of study area is fault step-style slump turbidite controlled by synsedimentary fault. Rock type is clast-arkose, grain size probability curve to the main arc-like and jump-suspension three-stage. The typical Bouma sequence was found in sedimentary structures, graded array and various ground floor horizons, the whole has apparently character of positive rhythm and cyclicity. According to its sedimentary characteristics, the turbidite fan in the study area is divided into inner-fan, mid-fan and outer-fan subfacies. Revealed the formation mechanism, sand body distribution law, the evolution of sedimentary systems of the type of turbidite and the establishment of fault step-style slump turbidities’depositional model.For the results of Qikou 18-1 oil field fault step-style slump turbidities’sedimentary characteristics, with Petrel geological modeling software, established three-dimensional geological model of Qikou 18-1 oil field Es2. Characterized the overall structure, sand body distribution scope and scale, reservoir parameters’s distribution law from the three-dimendional space. For the next step development of the oil field has played a guiding significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期