

The Research on Technical Innovation Capability Evaluation of China’s Wind Power Industry

【作者】 郭秀莉

【导师】 袁旭梅;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国风能资源丰富,风力发电低碳、节能、环保,符合我国新能源产业发展要求,同时顺应全球经济社会可持续发展需求,因此近些年来我国风电产业呈现出爆炸式的发展。在取得成绩的同时,也看出与国外先进国家还存在很大差距。本文主要对我国风电产业技术创新能力进行评价,发现其中存在的问题并提出对策建议。首先,在分析我国风电产业发展现状的基础上,利用龚伯兹曲线模型,得出我国风电产业发展处于产业生命周期的形成期向成长期跨越发展阶段的结论。通过对比内外资企业在中国市场份额情况,得出我国风电内资企业市场份额大幅提高,但欠缺自主研发能力,核心零部件技术多数掌握在外资企业手中。其次,从影响风电产业技术创新的内外部因素出发,结合指标选取原则,构建出适合于我国的风电产业技术创新能力评价指标体系,并从国际和国内两个角度对我国风电产业技术创新能力进行分析。国际上利用DEA模型,通过对比全球排名前列的几个国家,得出我国风电产业技术创新能力的总效率排序情况;国内利用图表分析法,对排名前11的省市风电技术创新能力进行了分析。评价结果显示我国风电企业技术研发投入、风电产业法律建设和专利申请量方面都存在严重不足,制约我国风电产业技术创新水平。最后,基于以上两部分研究结果,从政府和风电设备制造企业两个层面,提出提高我国风电产业技术创新能力的对策。政府要建立健全保障风电技术创新政策法规,同时完善风电产业法律政策体系,加强政策执行、监管力度;风电企业自身应提高技术研发能力,带动优秀企业境外研发投资,培育风电企业创新文化,培养创新型风电人才。

【Abstract】 It has abundant wind energy resource in our country,wind power generation satisfy the requirement of the development about China’s energy industry which has the advantage of low-carbon、energy saving、environmental protection,at the same time,comply with the sustainable development of global economic society,therefore,China’s wind power industry has shown explosive growth recent years.Following with achievements,big gap also existed with the advanced countries.This paper mainly evaluate on the technology innovation ability of wind power industry in China,it has found some problems existed and put forward the countermeasures.Firstly,based on analysising the current development of the wind power industry,it obtained the conclusion that China’s wind power industry in the bridge phase which from formation phase of industry life cycle to the growing stage,using the model by Comperz curves.By comparing the situation of domestic and foreign market share in China’s wind power market,it shows the share of domestic-funded Wind turbine manufacturers increased sharply,but lack of independent research and development capabilities,the majority technology of core components lies in foreign enterprise.Secondly, it started from the internal and external factors which affect the wind power industry technological innovation,combined index selection principle,construct index system that suitable for China’s wind power industry technological innovation ability evaluation,and analyse the wind power technological innovation from international and domestic perspective.It use DEA models on international,by comparing the rank number of some countries,obtain the overall efficiency order of technology innovation situation in China’s wind power industry;it use chart analysis on domestic,and analyze the wind power technology innovation ability of the top 11 provinces and cities.The evaluation results show that wind turbine manufacturers in China have serious deficiencies,such as R&D investment、laws construction and patent applications,which restricting the level of China’s wind power industry technological innovation.Finally,based on the above results,it has proposed the countermeasures for increasing the wind industry technological innovation ability in China from the two levels of the government and wind power equipment manufacturing enterprises.The government should establish a sound security policies and regulations that make sure the wind power technology innovation,and improve the legal and policy system,strengthen policy implementation and supervision.For Wind turbine manufacturers,it should increase their own technology research capacity in order to promote R&D investment abroad for excellent excellent,cultivate innovation culture,train innovative talents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F426.6;F273.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】485
  • 攻读期成果