

Study on Building Site Fire Risk and Counter Measures

【作者】 余攀

【导师】 朱嬿;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在建工程施工现场有时易燃材料高度集中,因此有较多的引发火灾的因素,而且建筑自身的消防设施还没有启动,在这样的情况下,一旦火灾发生,火势蔓延非常迅速,而且往往扑救起来难度较大,造成较大的直接经济损失的同时也会造成恶劣的社会影响。在这样的情况下,对在建工程火灾风险评估方法展开研究和探讨具有非常重要的意义。一直以来,对于已建工程火灾风险评估,国内外都已经有大量的专家学者做出了卓有成效的研究工作,并提出了各种有效的火灾风险评价方法,相比之下,在建工程火灾风险评估研究工作则还处于发展的阶段,既没有系统的在建工程火灾统计数据,也没有有效的风险评价方法,同时也没有这个方面的相关规范,使得在建工程现场消防管理缺乏有效的依据。本文从建筑工地的实际出发,一方面收集和分析在建工程火灾案例,另一方面以在建工程目前采用的消防措施为基础,通过对已建工程火灾风险评价体系的借鉴,尝试提出一种针对在建工程的火灾风险评价体系,既为消防工作人员和现场施工人员的消防管理提供参考,又为将来国家提出在建工程消防标准提供理论参考。本文的主要工作如下:1.收集在建工程火灾案例,并提取其中的相关信息,归纳和总结在建工程火灾特点、类型、规律,分析火灾发生时间、地点、直接原因、直接经济损失以及工程所处进度等情况,从而了解到在建工程火灾的特点。2.对目前在建工程消防措施进行了归纳整理,并结合在建工程火灾的特点对这些消防措施进行了细致的分析,找到其局限性并提出对应措施,然后在此基础上提出了在建工程火灾风险评价体系,并通过德尔菲法和层次分析法相结合的方式对评价体系的各项指标进行了权重分配,最后对评价体系进行了量化,并给出了火灾风险评估模型,归纳和建议了在建工程消防应对措施。3.对提出的在建工程火灾评价体系进行了一次实际的运用,用建立的评价体系对新清华学堂工程项目在主体建设阶段的火灾风险进行了评价,并对评价结果进行了分析。从评价结果的分析来看,本文所提的在建工程火灾评价体系具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The building site is a place highly centralized with inflammable materials and a lot of other kinds of items. As a result, there are a lot of factors which could easily cause fire. And once the fire occurs, it may spread rapidly on the site and the extinguishing process will be very difficult. Meanwhile, the building site fire can cause both great loss and negative social impact. Therefore, the research on building site fire risk evaluation is very necessary.The research on existing building fire risk evaluation has been very successful by many experts and scholars. Meanwhile, the research on building site fire risk evaluation is comparatively immature. Neither systematic fire case database nor effective evaluation method has been proposed. This research thus collects and analyzes a lot of building site fire cases. The applied measures which are used to protect the building site from fire are also collected. A building site fire risk evaluation system is proposed on the base of the collected measures and fire cases. This evaluation system can be reference for the building site fire risk management. It can also be reference for the standards of building site fire safety in the future. The main work of this research is as follows:1. Typical building site fire cases have been collected. The character, type and regular pattern of these cases have been generalized and summarized. The time when the fire occurred, the place where the fire occurred, the factor which causes the fire, loss directly caused by the fire and project process when the fire occurred has been analyzed base on the fire cases.2. The measures used to protect the building site against fire are summarized, generalized and carefully analyzed. A building site fire risk evaluation system has been proposed tentatively on the base of the analysis of both cases and counter measures. The value of each index of the evaluation system is defined with Delphi and AHP. The safety rank is also suggested. Finally the fire risk evaluation model has been set. And the counter measures for the building fire safety are suggested. 3. The proposed building site fire risk evaluation system has been used in the New Tsinghua Hall project in order to prove the validity of the system is practical. The evaluation result is analyzed according to the situation of the project. The evaluation result shows that the proposed evaluation system is practical.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期