

Research on Theodolite-Camera Videometrics

【作者】 朱肇昆

【导师】 张小虎;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 航空宇航科学与技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大尺度运动测量和大型结构变形测量在工程应用上有着广泛的需求。大尺度运动测量主要涉及对火箭、导弹和飞机等大范围运动目标在运动过程中的运动轨迹、姿态等参数进行测量;大型结构变形测量则主要涉及对桥梁、大型风力发电叶片和飞艇等大型结构在受不同载荷情况下的变形进行测量。大尺度运动测量由于其测量目标运动的大尺度特性,要求测量设备有足够大的空间测量范围,能够覆盖目标的整个运动空间,并对目标进行实时跟踪测量;大型结构变形测量由于待测物体大型结构的特性以及变形测量的目的,要求测量设备在保证测量精度的同时要有足够大的测量空间能够覆盖整个待测物体,并对大量密集点实施测量。单独应用工程测量仪器来进行大尺度运动测量和大型结构变形测量能够满足空间测量范围大的要求,却不适合于对密集点和运动目标进行测量;单独应用摄像测量进行大尺度运动测量和大型结构变形测量能够适用于对密集点和运动目标测量,但却只有有限的空间测量范围。针对上述问题,本文采用将二维旋转平台与摄像测量中使用的非量测型像机相固联的方式构成经纬像机摄像测量单元,二维旋转平台可以直接是工程测量仪器全站仪或经纬仪,也可以是普通的二维旋转平台。经纬像机通过二维旋转平台带动像机指向任意区域进行测量,并利用其提供的方位角和高低角信息实时的修正像机外参,真正做到像机视场非固定、免现场控制点。经纬像机摄像测量方法既具有工程测量仪器空间测量范围大的优点,又结合了摄像测量技术适于测量密集点和运动目标的优点,满足实施大尺度运动测量和大型结构变形测量要求。本文研究设计了三种经纬像机构成方式,并重点研究了针对各个构成方式经纬像机的标定技术,通过大量仿真实验验证了其正确性和有效性。最后设计搭建了经纬像机摄像测量系统,并进行了实际的精度验证实验,实验结果表明经纬像机摄像测量方法正确有效,测量精度高,为后续的工程应用奠定了基础。本文的主要工作有:1)设计了基于全站仪的、基于经纬仪的和基于普通二维旋转平台的三种经纬像机构成方式;2)分析和建立了对不同构成方式的经纬像机都普适的经纬像机成像模型;3)重点研究了针对各个构成方式经纬像机的标定技术,并介绍了旋转拍摄的作用和在经纬像机标定中的具体应用,通过仿真模拟实验验证了经纬像机标定技术的正确性和可行性;4)针对基于普通二维旋转平台的经纬像机标定过程中涉及的像机参数耦合问题,提出了一种像机参数逐级标定方法对像机各参数进行解耦标定;5)设计和搭建了经纬像机摄像测量系统,并进行了实际的精度验证实验,实验结果表明经纬像机摄像测量方法正确有效,并能达到测量精度要求。最后介绍了经纬像机摄像测量系统在飞行器助降和大型风力发电叶片变形测量中的应用方式。

【Abstract】 Large-scale motion measurement mainly involves the measurement of trajectory and attitude of the moving targets whose moving range is large such as rocket, missile and airplane, there is a great demand for large-scale motion measurement in aviation, aerospace and weapon development. Large structural deformation measurement mainly involves the measurement of large structure’s deformation such as bridge, wind turbine blade and airship, there is a great demand for large structural deformation measurement in construction engineering, mechanical manufacturing and quality monitoring.Due to the large-scale characteristic of the target, large-scale motion measurement requires a measuring space large enough to cover the whole motion range of the target, and real-time tracking of the target. Due to the large structure and the purpose of deformation measurement, large structural deformation measurement requires measuring space large enough to cover the whole measuring object, and capable to measure dense targets. Due to the strict requirement, large-scale motion measurement and large structural deformation measurement have always been the technical difficulties. The existed 3D measuring techniques have already been applied to respective domains, but there is no such a technique completely qualified for large-scale motion measurement and large structural deformation measurement.This paper combines the equipments such as theodolite and total station which is commonly used in engineering survey with the non-metric camera which is commonly used in videometrics to compose a new videometrics system named theodolite-camera videometrics system. It uses 2D rotation platform to drive the camera point at arbitrary area, then uses the real-time azimuth and angle of elevation to calculate the real-time extrinsic parameters of camera, in this way, non-fixed field of view can be achieved by theodolite-camera videometrics system, and it is free of field control points. Theodolite-camera videometrics has both the advantages of engineering survey and the videometrics, and is completely qualified for large-scale motion measurement and large structural deformation measurement.This paper designed three different ways to compose the theodolite-camera videometrics system, one is based on the total station, one is based on the theodolite, and the last one is based on common 2D rotation platform. This paper is mainly about the calibration techniques with respect to different kind of theodolite-camera, and conducted plenty of simulations to proves the correctness and effectiveness of the calibration techniques. In the end of the paper, accuracy experiment is introduced, and the result also proves the correctness and effectiveness of the theodolite-camera videometrics.The main work of this paper includes: 1) Designed three different ways to compose theodolite-camera, one is based on total station, and one is based on theodolite, the last one is based on common 2D rotation platform.2) Analysed and constructed a general imaging model of all kinds of theodolite-camera.3) Focused on the calibration techniques with respect to different kinds of theodolite-camera, and conducted plenty of simulations, the results prove the correctness and effectiveness of theodolite-camera videometrics.4) Considering the coupling effect of camera parameters, proposed a stepwise camera parameter calibration method to decouple camera parameters.5) Designed and built up the theodolite-camera videometrics system, and proved its correctness and effectiveness through accuracy experiment.
