

Risk and Responsibility: the Crisis Behind the Legal Responsibility of Executives of Financial Institutions

【作者】 欧阳雪

【导师】 管斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 金融机构的高管们掌握着机构的经营权力,同时还支配着巨大的企业资产。而股权的分散性决定着金融机构高管们享有了更大的企业控制权。分析金融危机发生的深层次原因,实体经济形态下的法律在虚拟经济形态已经不再适用,金融机构高管们在缺乏有效法律约束的情况下,无视经营风险,贪婪与欲望助长了风险的滋生与扩散。完善金融机构高管的法律责任对于维持金融市场稳定发展有着重要的意义。我国的国情决定着我们在总结此次金融危机经验的同时,要作出自己的选择。借鉴与反思本次金融危机,金融机构在风险防范的评估和防范中所出现缺陷,克服金融机构在运行过程中出现的道德风险和制度风险,通过现行法律评介与分析,探讨金融高管们在危机中的责任缺位与我们的现行法律制度的关联,寻找通过法律构建更为完善的市场经济责任体系的途径。通过规范金融高管的薪酬制度、建立金融高管的问责制,将金融机构高管的个人发展与企业的发展联系在一起,提高金融机构高管的违规成本,促使其承担对企业的授信义务。构建金融机构高管的责任体系,规范系统风险和市场风险,实现对消费者、债权人、员工利益、中小竞争者利益、环境利益以及整个社会公共利益的保护。健全金融机构的高管的会计责任,保证投资者的信息获取以及企业财务的透明度,能够有效地形成监督的力量,同时拓宽责任追究途径,实现公权和私权的共同救济,能够更有效地保护投资者,规范高管的管理行为,防范道德风险和制度风险。

【Abstract】 Executives of financial institutions hold the power business of the organization, but also dominate a huge corporate asset. Which determines the dispersion of equity executives of financial institutions have greater control over the enterprise. Analysis of the financial crisis, the deep reason, the real economy under the legal form patterns in the virtual economy is no longer applicable, executives of financial institutions legally binding in the absence of an effective case, ignore the business risk, greed and the desire to contribute to the risk of breeding and proliferation. Improve the legal responsibility of executives of financial institutions to maintain financial market stability for the development of great significance. China’s national conditions will determine our experience at the conclusion of the financial crisis, we must make their own choices.Reference and Reflection on the financial crisis, financial institutions in risk prevention, assessment and prevention in the gaps, overcoming the financial institutions in the operation course, the risk of moral hazard and systems, review and analysis by existing law, of financial executives in Absence of crisis responsibility and our current legal system of the association, to find a legal construct a more perfect system of market economy and the way responsibility. Through regulated financial executive pay system, establish financial accountability for executives, executives of financial institutions and personal development associated with the development of enterprises, improve the cost of non-compliance executives of financial institutions, to promote its commitment to the business of credit obligation. Construction of the responsibility system for executives of financial institutions, regulatory systems and market risks, to achieve for consumers, creditors, employee benefits, the interests of small competitors, environmental interests and the protection of the public interest. Sound financial institutions, the accountability of executives to ensure that access to information for investors, and corporate financial transparency, can effectively supervise the formation of power, and ways to broaden the accountability to achieve public and private rights of common rights and remedies, to more effectively protection of investors, executives of the management behavior norms, and systems to prevent the risk of moral hazard.

  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】131