

The Study on Foreign Students’ Pragmatic Failures in Chinese Language Acquisition

【作者】 韩倜

【导师】 程邦雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 留学生在汉语习得的过程中,经常受到各种因素的影响产生非语言本身因素造成的语用失误,本文以调查和访谈相结合的方式对留学生汉语习得中的语用失误进行考察与分析,试图确定语用能力与语言能力的关系、并将语用失误进行分类,归因,最后针对教学提出一些建议。全文分为七个部分。第一部分阐述了研究的缘由和意义,并介绍了当前国内外语用失误的研究现状。第二部分论述了语用失误研究的理论基础及相关的语用原则。第三、第四、第五三个部分为论文的主体,第三部分阐释了留学生语用失误调查的设计,并分析了调查的数据结果;第四部分从语音、词汇、语法、语义、篇章这五个方面描写和分析了留学生汉语习得中的语言语用失误;第五部分从语用原则取舍、实施言语行为的合适条件的考虑这两大方面对留学生汉语习得中的社交语用失误进行了全面的描写和分析。第六部分根据调查的结果,指出对外汉语教学中语用教学的重要性,并提出几点建议。第七部分为结语,总结了全文的论点。

【Abstract】 In the course of Chinese language acquisition for foreign students, a lot of factors lead to the occurrence of pragmatic failure of non-linguistic factors. This thesis adopted survey combined with interview methods, focused on the pragmatic failure in foreign students’Chinese acquisition, tried to find the relationship between the pragmatic ability and the language ability, defined the classification and the cause of the pragmatic failures, and provided some suggestions on Chinese teaching as a foreign language. The thesis consists of seven chapters. The first part discussed the origins of writing and research significance, and introduced the current status quo of research of this subject.The second part discussed the study of pragmatic failure theory and related pragmatic principles. Chapter Three, Four and Five are the main body of the thesis. The third part explained the design of pragmatic failure investigation, and analyzed the results of the survey data. The fourth part described and analyzed the foreign students’linguistic-pragmatic failure from the areas of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, semantics and section. The fifth part comprehensively described and analyzed the foreign students’socio-pragmatic failure from the areas of choosing of pragmatic principles and considering appropriate conditions for the implementation of speech acts. The sixth part pointed out the importance of pragmatic in Chinese teaching as a foreign language based on the results of the investigation, and provided some suggestions on teaching. The seventh part summarized the argument in the thesis.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】440